膜生物学ユニット 細胞膜の損傷と修復は単細胞生物からヒトまで保存された機構であり、ヒトではデュシエンヌ型筋ジストロフィー症を含む様々な疾患に関与することが少しずつ分かり始めています。しかしまだその全貌を俯瞰するには至っていません。膜生物学ユニットでは、細胞生物学、分子生物学、生化学、遺伝学、バイオインフォマティクスなどのアプローチを用いて、細胞膜の修復機構とその意義を研究しています。将来は細胞膜と老化との関わりを明らかにすることを目指しています。 Members 河野 恵子 Event 今後のイベント ユニットのニュース コンタクト 教員 河野 恵子 シェア: ユニットのポスト 1/15/2025 Yuta's Ph.D. defense Ph. D. student Yuta Yamazaki successfully defended his thesis! Congrats, Yuta! 1/6/2025 Hannah started her rotation in Kono lab Rotation student Hannah Pullen started her rotation. She will work with Enaam. Welcome to our lab, Hannah! 11/5/2024 Max joined Kono lab Kang-Ting Ma (Max) started his intern in Kono lab. He will work with Kou. Welcome to our lab, Max! 7/1/2024, Dr. Enaam Alghamdi joined Kono lab A new postdoc, Enaam, joined our team. Welcome Enaam, we are so excited to work with you! 3/29/2024, Kou officially received Ph.D. degree Our Ph.D. student Kou who led the Nature Aging paper officially received his Ph.D. today. Congrats Dr. Suda! We, lab members, are all proud of your achievement! 3/21/2024. Our paper is featured on the Cover of Nature Aging Our paper appeared on the cover of the Nature Aging March issue! 3/13/2024, Our new paper is out! The paper led by our former postdoc Shinju is out! 2/22/2024, Our new paper is out! Our new paper led by Kou, Yohsuke, and Hana is online in Nature Aging. Damage to cell membranes causes cell aging. Thanks again to all the team members, friends, reviewers, and the editors. Numerous people, visibly and invisibly, contributed to it. 2/17/2024, Former intern Ms. Hiyori Mori won a poster prize Our former intern, Ms. Hiyori Mori at Keio U, won a poster presentation prize! In addition to the prize selected by the professors, she also won the third prize of students' choice. Congrats Hiyori, we are all proud of your achievement! 2/13/2024, Podcast and article Our unit's research got the privilege of being featured in the Bioconvergence Center Series Podcast, along with Prof. Amy Shen Unit's research. We would like to thank DJ Nick Luscombe, the OIST CPR section, and all other contributors. 1/26/2024, Two papers have been accepted A paper led by the former postdoc Shinju, and the other paper led by three equally-contributed first authors, Ph.D. student Kou, STA Yohsuke, and postdoc Hana, have been accepted two days in a row. The best moment in our lab's history. Congrats & big thank you to all contributors! 1/15/2024, Sara successfully defended her thesis Ph.D. student Ms. Sara Abdelaal, supervised by Prof. Marco Terenzio and co-supervised by Kono, successfully defended her thesis. Congrats, Dr. Abdelaal!! 1/15/2024, New rotation student Ana joined the lab Ms. Anastasiia Ishchenko will be working with us for one term as a rotation student. Welcome Ana, let's have fun together. 1/12/2024, Kou won the best poster award Ph.D. student Mr. Kojiro Suda won the best poster award at the kick-off meeting of "A3 FORESIGHT PROGRAM Cellular Senescence: From Pathophysiology to Treatment" in Osaka. Congrats Kou. We truly appreciate the organizers, Prof. Naoko Ohtani @ Osaka Metropolitan U and Dr. Akiko Takahashi @ Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research. 1/12/2024, Shinju's departure Postdoc Dr. Shinju Sugiyama will move on to his next journey at Bacchus Bio Innovation. He worked with us for 4.5 years, and his contribution to the team was huge. Thank you so much, Shinju. Good luck with your future! 11/16/2023, Shinju and Kou's review article has been published The review article led by postdoc Shinju has been published. Congrats! 7/26/2023, Hunter succesfully defended his thesis The first Ph.D. student in the Kono Unit, Mr. Hunter Barbee, successfully defended his thesis. Congrats, Dr. Barbee! We are proud of you! 5/28/2022, Yuta's paper has been published Yuta's paper that reports new plasma membrane/cell wall repair factors has been published. Congrats! 1/11/2021, A new post-doc, Hana, joined us We welcomed a new postdoc from Malaysia, Nurhanani (Hana). She is an experienced scientist with a bright personality. Her expertise is quite cross-disciplinary (molecular biology, immunology, bioinformatics and more). We are excited to work with you, Hana! 12/18/2020, Yumiko and Yuta's last day We needed to say good-bye to our lab mates, a post-doc Yumiko and a rotation student Yuta. The good news is that they stay in OIST. Yuta will come back to us in Sep 2021 as a Ph.D. student, and Yumiko will move to the Husnik unit. Yumiko worked with us for two years and contributed a lot to the work on the plasma membrane damage responses. We will miss her Okinawan mind, "nankurunaisa (If you work hard and stay on the right path, a better day will come in the end)". Yumiko, thank you very much, and all the best for your next journey! 10/8/2020, Claire's start date as an intern student Claire started her new life as an intern student. She previously worked at OIST Innovation Square Incubator! Welcome Claire, Let's have fun together! 9/18/2020, Yuta's start date as a rotation student Yuta joined our lab as a rotation student. His research interest is yeast stress responses and lifespan. Welcome, yeast lover! 9/7/2020, Jan's official start date as a Ph.D. student Jan joined us for his thesis research. His research interest is in organismal aging. Welcome to our lab, Jan! We are all thrilled to work with you during your exciting Ph.D. journey. 4/1/2020, Sara and Miki are moved to Terenzio Unit Sara and Miki are moved to Terenzio Unit as the laboratory in Lab4 starts operation. You will be missed! 4/1/2020, Shinju and Keiko Grant Acquisition Shinju and Keiko are awarded the kakenhi grant (Shinju: grant-in-aid for early-carrier scientists, Keiko: grant-in-aid for scientific research B). We are grateful for JSPS and reviewers. 1/21/2020, Emily, Kojiro, Yatzu and Miki Welcome Lunch We visited Blue lagoon at Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel to welcome new rotation students Emily, Kojiro and Yatzu, as well as a new STA Miki! The lab is expanding. We are thrilled to work with new members! 12/25/2019, Munissa, Jan and Masato Farewell Lunch Lab lunch at the Orange, Kafuu hotel, to say good-bye to the rotation students. Munissa, Jan and Masato, you guys were exceptionally productive! We really enjoyed working with you. Thank you!! 10/18/2019, Munissa, Jan and Masato Welcome Lunch We went out to have welcome lunch at Moon beach hotel. This term, we host three talented and highly motivated rotation students, Munissa, Jan and Masato. The lab is full of energy! 8/8/2019, Allyson Intern Last Day Today is Allyson's last day. She showed her talent not only as an experimentalist but as an illustrator! She made pretty bookmarks for us. Thank you Allyson, we will follow up your beautiful results to finish up a paper. Best of the luck with your Ph.D. life! 7/11/2019, Allyson and Shinju Welcome Lunch We went out to have a welcome lunch for intern student Allyson and postdoc Shinju. It was all you can eat sushi. Fantastic! 7/1/ 2019, Yohsuke Kakenhi Grant Acquisition Dr. Yohsuke Moriyama is awarded the Kakenhi grant, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory). Congrats Yohsuke! 5/23/2019, Dongpeng Welcome Lunch We had a welcome lunch for rotation student Dongpeng. He will work on senescence in mice. Welcome Dongpeng, let's have fun together! 4/15/2019, Chris and Aisulu Farewell Lunch A farewell lunch for Aisulu (rotation student) and Chris (intern student) @ Shimajikan. Say "schiesser (okinawan lion)", instead of cheese! もっと見る ユニットのニュース 細胞老化の新たな原因を発見 細胞膜損傷 傷ついた細胞膜が修復された細胞は、細胞分裂をやめ老化することを初めて明らかにし、Nature Agingに発表しました。 まるでSFのようなヘルスケアの実現に向けて グローバル・バイオコンバージェンスイノベーション拠点 を紹介するシリーズ第5弾となる今回のポッドキャストでは、DJニックことニック・ラスカムさんがエイミー・シェン教授と河野恵子准教授に、研究用デバイス開発と細胞老化メカニズムの解明について話を聞きました。 神経細胞の分子輸送経路を探る ― 特定のタンパク質が神経細胞を正常に保つ仕組み 神経細胞内でRNAを輸送する分子輸送システムに関する新たな発見 新たなイノベーション拠点がOISTに誕生 多様な学術分野を融合した「グローバル・バイオコンバージェンスイノベーション拠点」。相乗効果で産学官の架け橋に。 ヒトの細胞分裂をスムーズに進める仕組み ヒトの細胞分裂をスムーズに進めるのに重要な分子メカニズムを解明しました もっと見る 専門分野 生物学 細胞生物学 医学 分子生物学 同分野の研究ユニット 生物デザインユニット 微生物・生態系生態学ユニット モデルベース進化ゲノミクスユニット 海洋構造生物学ユニット 生物の非線形力学データサイエンス研究ユニット 大進化ユニット 進化・合成生物学ユニット 細胞増殖・ゲノム編集ユニット 膜協同性ユニット 分子神経科学ユニット 研究ユニットを探す
1/15/2025 Yuta's Ph.D. defense Ph. D. student Yuta Yamazaki successfully defended his thesis! Congrats, Yuta!
1/6/2025 Hannah started her rotation in Kono lab Rotation student Hannah Pullen started her rotation. She will work with Enaam. Welcome to our lab, Hannah!
11/5/2024 Max joined Kono lab Kang-Ting Ma (Max) started his intern in Kono lab. He will work with Kou. Welcome to our lab, Max!
7/1/2024, Dr. Enaam Alghamdi joined Kono lab A new postdoc, Enaam, joined our team. Welcome Enaam, we are so excited to work with you!
3/29/2024, Kou officially received Ph.D. degree Our Ph.D. student Kou who led the Nature Aging paper officially received his Ph.D. today. Congrats Dr. Suda! We, lab members, are all proud of your achievement!
3/21/2024. Our paper is featured on the Cover of Nature Aging Our paper appeared on the cover of the Nature Aging March issue!
2/22/2024, Our new paper is out! Our new paper led by Kou, Yohsuke, and Hana is online in Nature Aging. Damage to cell membranes causes cell aging. Thanks again to all the team members, friends, reviewers, and the editors. Numerous people, visibly and invisibly, contributed to it.
2/17/2024, Former intern Ms. Hiyori Mori won a poster prize Our former intern, Ms. Hiyori Mori at Keio U, won a poster presentation prize! In addition to the prize selected by the professors, she also won the third prize of students' choice. Congrats Hiyori, we are all proud of your achievement!
2/13/2024, Podcast and article Our unit's research got the privilege of being featured in the Bioconvergence Center Series Podcast, along with Prof. Amy Shen Unit's research. We would like to thank DJ Nick Luscombe, the OIST CPR section, and all other contributors.
1/26/2024, Two papers have been accepted A paper led by the former postdoc Shinju, and the other paper led by three equally-contributed first authors, Ph.D. student Kou, STA Yohsuke, and postdoc Hana, have been accepted two days in a row. The best moment in our lab's history. Congrats & big thank you to all contributors!
1/15/2024, Sara successfully defended her thesis Ph.D. student Ms. Sara Abdelaal, supervised by Prof. Marco Terenzio and co-supervised by Kono, successfully defended her thesis. Congrats, Dr. Abdelaal!!
1/15/2024, New rotation student Ana joined the lab Ms. Anastasiia Ishchenko will be working with us for one term as a rotation student. Welcome Ana, let's have fun together.
1/12/2024, Kou won the best poster award Ph.D. student Mr. Kojiro Suda won the best poster award at the kick-off meeting of "A3 FORESIGHT PROGRAM Cellular Senescence: From Pathophysiology to Treatment" in Osaka. Congrats Kou. We truly appreciate the organizers, Prof. Naoko Ohtani @ Osaka Metropolitan U and Dr. Akiko Takahashi @ Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research.
1/12/2024, Shinju's departure Postdoc Dr. Shinju Sugiyama will move on to his next journey at Bacchus Bio Innovation. He worked with us for 4.5 years, and his contribution to the team was huge. Thank you so much, Shinju. Good luck with your future!
11/16/2023, Shinju and Kou's review article has been published The review article led by postdoc Shinju has been published. Congrats!
7/26/2023, Hunter succesfully defended his thesis The first Ph.D. student in the Kono Unit, Mr. Hunter Barbee, successfully defended his thesis. Congrats, Dr. Barbee! We are proud of you!
5/28/2022, Yuta's paper has been published Yuta's paper that reports new plasma membrane/cell wall repair factors has been published. Congrats!
1/11/2021, A new post-doc, Hana, joined us We welcomed a new postdoc from Malaysia, Nurhanani (Hana). She is an experienced scientist with a bright personality. Her expertise is quite cross-disciplinary (molecular biology, immunology, bioinformatics and more). We are excited to work with you, Hana!
12/18/2020, Yumiko and Yuta's last day We needed to say good-bye to our lab mates, a post-doc Yumiko and a rotation student Yuta. The good news is that they stay in OIST. Yuta will come back to us in Sep 2021 as a Ph.D. student, and Yumiko will move to the Husnik unit. Yumiko worked with us for two years and contributed a lot to the work on the plasma membrane damage responses. We will miss her Okinawan mind, "nankurunaisa (If you work hard and stay on the right path, a better day will come in the end)". Yumiko, thank you very much, and all the best for your next journey!
10/8/2020, Claire's start date as an intern student Claire started her new life as an intern student. She previously worked at OIST Innovation Square Incubator! Welcome Claire, Let's have fun together!
9/18/2020, Yuta's start date as a rotation student Yuta joined our lab as a rotation student. His research interest is yeast stress responses and lifespan. Welcome, yeast lover!
9/7/2020, Jan's official start date as a Ph.D. student Jan joined us for his thesis research. His research interest is in organismal aging. Welcome to our lab, Jan! We are all thrilled to work with you during your exciting Ph.D. journey.
4/1/2020, Sara and Miki are moved to Terenzio Unit Sara and Miki are moved to Terenzio Unit as the laboratory in Lab4 starts operation. You will be missed!
4/1/2020, Shinju and Keiko Grant Acquisition Shinju and Keiko are awarded the kakenhi grant (Shinju: grant-in-aid for early-carrier scientists, Keiko: grant-in-aid for scientific research B). We are grateful for JSPS and reviewers.
1/21/2020, Emily, Kojiro, Yatzu and Miki Welcome Lunch We visited Blue lagoon at Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel to welcome new rotation students Emily, Kojiro and Yatzu, as well as a new STA Miki! The lab is expanding. We are thrilled to work with new members!
12/25/2019, Munissa, Jan and Masato Farewell Lunch Lab lunch at the Orange, Kafuu hotel, to say good-bye to the rotation students. Munissa, Jan and Masato, you guys were exceptionally productive! We really enjoyed working with you. Thank you!!
10/18/2019, Munissa, Jan and Masato Welcome Lunch We went out to have welcome lunch at Moon beach hotel. This term, we host three talented and highly motivated rotation students, Munissa, Jan and Masato. The lab is full of energy!
8/8/2019, Allyson Intern Last Day Today is Allyson's last day. She showed her talent not only as an experimentalist but as an illustrator! She made pretty bookmarks for us. Thank you Allyson, we will follow up your beautiful results to finish up a paper. Best of the luck with your Ph.D. life!
7/11/2019, Allyson and Shinju Welcome Lunch We went out to have a welcome lunch for intern student Allyson and postdoc Shinju. It was all you can eat sushi. Fantastic!
7/1/ 2019, Yohsuke Kakenhi Grant Acquisition Dr. Yohsuke Moriyama is awarded the Kakenhi grant, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory). Congrats Yohsuke!
5/23/2019, Dongpeng Welcome Lunch We had a welcome lunch for rotation student Dongpeng. He will work on senescence in mice. Welcome Dongpeng, let's have fun together!
4/15/2019, Chris and Aisulu Farewell Lunch A farewell lunch for Aisulu (rotation student) and Chris (intern student) @ Shimajikan. Say "schiesser (okinawan lion)", instead of cheese!
まるでSFのようなヘルスケアの実現に向けて グローバル・バイオコンバージェンスイノベーション拠点 を紹介するシリーズ第5弾となる今回のポッドキャストでは、DJニックことニック・ラスカムさんがエイミー・シェン教授と河野恵子准教授に、研究用デバイス開発と細胞老化メカニズムの解明について話を聞きました。