
Molecular Bioengineering Group



Protein Design and Bioenergy Solutions

We employ computational tools to modify proteins and examine their atomic details using X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy. Our aim is to provide energy-harvesting systems to enhance biofuel production in algae and microbes.

Lab Research

antenna protein enegy harvesting
Design of Antenna Proteins for Solar Energy Harvesting
protein biowires
Engineering Electroactive Microbes for Sustainable Bioproduction
SDS PAGE gel for separation of proteins
Macromolecular Biophysics
tricolsan binding pocket of a reductase protein by MolBioEng
Cofactors and catalysis

Lab News

November 2024 | Euikyung joined the lab!

researcher doing experiments
baterial cultures

October 2024 | We have new lab space!

Empty laboratory
lab equipment