調達に関する規程類 Procurement-related Regulations
PRP (OIST 基本方針・ルール・手続き)
OIST PRP 第28章:調達
OIST PRP Chapter 28: Procurement
Other chapters of the PRP are opened on the OIST Policy Library.
規則及び細則 Stipulations and Detailed Stipulations (PRP28.5.2)
契約事務取扱規則/Contract Management Stipulations -
調達審査委員会細則/Detailed Stipulations for Procurement Committee -
大型設備の調達手続に関する細則/Detailed Stipulations on Procurement of Large-scale Equipment -
複数年契約及び複数年にわたる取引先の選定に関する細則/Detailed Stipulations for Multi-year Contracts and Multi-year Vendor Selection -
施設整備の調達に関する委員会の細則/Detailed Stipulations for Committees related to Procurement for Building Construction and Facility Management -
PPP/PFI手法導入優先的検討に関する細則/Detailed Stipulations on Priority Review for Adoption of PPP/PFI Methods
実施要領等 Operation Guidelines (PRP28.5.3)
電子入札実施要領/Guideline for Electronic Bidding -
総合評価落札方式実施要領/Guideline for Overall Evaluation Method -
企画競争実施要領/Guideline for Proposal Competition -
リバースオークション実施要領/Guideline for Reverse Auction -
価格交渉落札方式実施要領/Guideline for Post-bidding Price Negotiation Method -
参加確認公募実施要領/Guideline for Confirmation Offering -
公正入札調査委員会実施要領/Guideline for Fair Bidding Investigation Committee -
取引停止等措置要領/Guideline for Suspension of Transaction -
不用物品売却実施要領/Guideline for Sale of Disused Items
標準契約書 Standard Format: Contract Agreement (v4.0 or v4.1)
物品売買契約書 -
物品売買契約書(単価契約) -
業務委託契約書(金額固定) -
業務委託契約書(金額変動) -
業務委託契約書(単価契約) -
Sales Purchase Agreement -
Service Agreement Fixed -
Service Agreement Adjustable
For electronic contracts
物品売買契約書 -
物品売買契約書(単価契約) -
業務委託契約書(金額固定) -
業務委託契約書(金額変動) -
業務委託契約書(単価契約) -
Sales Purchase Agreement -
Service Agreement (fixed) -
Service Agreement (Adjustable)
Last update: 2022/April/1