38. Discipline

Table of Contents

38.1 Policy

The OIST Graduate University sets expectations for employees on 1) time and attendance and 2) conduct. Employees are responsible for meeting these expectations, and their failure to do so will result in the University taking disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

The University recognizes that the purpose of discipline in most cases is to help employees improve time and attendance problems or other inappropriate behavior and actions. The University ordinarily follows a system of progressive discipline to correct problems. Employees who fail to correct a deficiency after progressive discipline may be dismissed.

Certain violations and infractions may be ruled sufficiently serious to suspend the normal progressive disciplinary process. Under these circumstances, any step in the disciplinary procedure may be used, including dismissal.

38.2 Rules

38.2.1 Issuing Disciplinary Action

Details are described in Articles 89 and 90, Rules of Employment and Articles 74 and 75, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees.

38.2.2 Dismissal after Progressive Discipline

If a problem occurs and the employee has already received 2 active formal disciplines, the employee may be dismissed.

38.2.3 Dismissal without Prior Discipline

An employee may be dismissed without prior discipline and without notice or pay in lieu of notice, when the reason for discipline is sufficiently serious and no extenuating circumstances exist.

38.3 Responsibilities

38.3.1 Supervisors

Supervisors must consult with the HR Management Section when they identify a discipline problem before taking actions. Normally, when the supervisor first identifies a discipline problem, the supervisor must privately counsel the employee, and outline the steps necessary to correct the problem. The supervisor will advise the employee that any further problem may result in further discipline.

38.3.2 HR Management Section

The HR Management Section is responsible for administering the disciplinary procedures.

38.4 Procedures

38.5 Forms

38.6 Contacts

38.6.1 Policy Owner

Vice President for Human Resource (VPHR)

38.6.2 Other Contacts

HR Management Section

38.7 Definitions