10.1 Policy
The land belonging to, and the buildings and facilities constructed at, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (the University) are resources intended to serve the various purposes of the University. The fundamental role of the Division of Buildings & Facility Management at the University is to manage these resources to provide, operate and maintain an environment that will enable all members of the University community to carry out their work effectively in a safe and attractive setting.
University policy is that the facilities and services provided must be sufficient, efficient and reliable, but not extravagant. The University has an obligation to utilize funding, whether from public or private sources, for construction, operation, and maintenance in a sound and responsible manner, and it is University policy always to endeavor to achieve the most cost-effective use of funds available.
The University shall make all necessary and reasonable efforts to provide barrier-free access to the University buildings and facilities for people with physical disabilities.
This chapter addresses acquisition, use, security and upkeep of the campus grounds, built facilities and major elements of plant and equipment (excluding laboratory equipment) at the University. Policies, rules and procedures for land acquisition and procurement of construction are set out in Chapter 26, Finance & Accounting and in Chapter 28, Procurement, while procedures relating to the allocation of space and use of laboratory equipment are set out in Chapters 19, University Events and 21, Use of University Resources.
10.1.1 Access to lab areas by outside parties
The basic policy for access to lab areas by outside parties is as follows:
- In principle, outside parties who are not directly engaged in the University's research activities do not have access to the Lab buildings or Administrative Office areas.
- Exceptions will be made to enable necessary construction and equipment installation works and deliveries to be made in an efficient manner-but in such a way that:
a. there is minimal disturbance to lab users, and
b. good operational security is maintained on the campus.
The University reserves the right to cancel this exceptional authorization without notice nor explanation should the condition above not being fulfilled.
- Exceptions will also be made when government agencies, educational and research institutions, corporations, and media visit lab buildings for campus tours guided by the University employees or students.
- The University employees and students are permitted to grant their family members access to the "Family Access Area" on campus, provided that the rules and regulations outlined in this chapter are strictly adhered to. Family members who have been issued a "Member Access Card" by the Resource Center, such as for the purpose of attending language classes, are permitted to access the "Family Access Area" without being accompanied by the University employee or student, but only after completing the necessary prior procedures and mandatory training specified by the Resource Center.
- Outside parties when permitted to enter inside the University acknowledge that they do so at their own risk.
a. Accident in the University's properties is at their own risk.
b. The University will not bear any responsibilities for lost or stolen personal belongings in the University's properties.
c. If there is any trouble or accident, ask a member of the University staff to call Safety Control Center (Bosai Center) immediately.
10.2 Other Considerations
Adequate funding must be budgeted each year to ensure that the infrastructure of the University campus is maintained in excellent condition. This obligation includes forward planning to ensure that sufficient funds are available when major overhaul or replacement of elements of the infrastructure becomes necessary during the life of the University. For this purpose, the term ‘infrastructure’ shall be understood to include, among other things, the campus buildings (Chapter 10.8).
Most of the 213ha Onna campus is owned by and leased free-of-charge from Onna Village, on an automatically renewing 10-year lease first entered into in November 2011 (Lease Agreement). Any proposal to allow use of leased areas by a third party must be approved by Onna Village in advance. The University also owns approximately 8.7ha campus sites which comprises the Seaside House building, eight units of faculty housing and a nature conservation area.
The University must use its financial resources for construction in accordance with the obligations and conditions attached to the use of those resources, if any. Most of the University’s budget is provided by the Japanese government; therefore the University must comply with Japanese public works procurement policies for all nationally funded construction and related works above defined values (Chapter 28). At the same time, the University aims to achieve the most rational and cost-effective construction procurement possible, so every effort must be made to minimize paperwork and inefficient procurement practices.
The University must minimize the impact of the campus development and all activities taking place within it on the natural environment. To this end, a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment was carried out by an independent consultant prior to the commencement of site development. This assessment identified several species of flora and fauna on the site subject to protection, and set out numerous conditions for the development of the site. Ongoing environmental impact monitoring is conducted of construction activities to ensure that the conditions provided in the EIA Report are being observed. In addition, the University must satisfy prescribed standards for air and water quality in all its activities, and in respect of all waste emitted from the facilities (Chapter 13).
The Campus Village at the University has been developed under a Public Private Partnership (PPP), whereby a Special Purpose Company (SPC) established by a commercial consortium has undertaken to build the housing and related facilities on the campus and then operate them on the University’s behalf for 30 years after completion. The details of the contractual arrangement between the University and the SPC are set out in the Project Contract. The relative roles and responsibilities of the SPC and the University with respect to the management, operation and maintenance of the Campus Village are complex, and the Project Contract should be referred to when any activity by the University that impinges on the Campus Village is contemplated. The rules and procedures related to utilization of the Village by the University personnel (including leasing procedures and conditions, rights and responsibilities of the residents, use of shared facilities, etc.) are set out in Chapter 25: Housing.
10.3 Rules
10.3.1 Budget Availability takes Precedence
No commitment to carry out any construction or modification of the facilities shall be made unless the funds necessary for the work are available in the budget. An exception may be granted by the President if the construction is funded in installments by a private donor or entity.
10.3.2 Statutory Compliance
Construction works and the installation of facilities at the University, and the use and maintenance of same, must comply with all relevant laws and regulations in Japan. Some of these are set out in Table 10.1.
10.3.3 Access to the University's Buildings and Premises
Access to the buildings and premises of the University (permission to enter and exit) must be provided as freely and unobtrusively as possible within the limits of ensuring security (Chapter 21.1). Priority of access is as follows:
- Faculty, students, other researchers, Senior Level Executives, and staff;
- Authorized vendors & contractors;
- Family members of the University and the general public. Although the campus grounds are in principle open to the general public, access to the Onna Campus buildings is controlled at the points of entry to the buildings. Everyone entering the campus buildings shall be required to comply with the security procedures in force. In general, rules of access are as follows:
- Students shall be issued a security pass card upon registration.
- Researchers (including visiting researchers, collaborators, interns and invited guests), and employees shall be issued with a security pass card upon joining the University community, which will give them access to differing areas of the buildings depending on their need, and the training required, for access.
- Guests, vendors, family members of the University and general visitors shall be issued a different identifying pass card upon signing in at the entrance reception.
The above rules will be waived only for special events such as open days, at which times access to most areas of the buildings will be strictly limited and controlled. Vendor, etc. Access to Labs
Contractors and equipment installation engineers doing work in the buildings must register at the Safety Control Center (Bosai Center) by the Lab 1 loading dock, and will then be given an armband and Security card with limited access.
Vendors and others making sales calls or coming to the University for meetings, product seminars, etc. should make an appointment, enter the campus at the Tunnel Entrance (OIST gallery) on the ground level, register at the security desk, and meet with the University contact at the meeting tables on Level A of the Center Buildings, on Level C of Lab 2 just inside the Skywalk entrance, or in the Cafeteria. Such visitors will not be issued with a Security card and will not be permitted entry to the labs unless specifically invited and hosted by a member of faculty.
In principle, lab supply deliveries should be delivered to Logistics Center, and the deliverables should be picked up from the Logistics Center by unit staff after acceptance inspection performed by Inspection Staff of Logistics Team. However, vendors making regular deliveries to labs may continue to be given access to the Lab areas, provided they do not undertake unsolicited sales activities.
All mails and courier services are delivered to Logistics Center, and will be distributed to units by Logistics Team staff (printed materials only). However all packages, boxes, etc. should be picked up from the Logistics Center by unit staff after acceptance inspection performed by Inspection Staff of the Logistics Team.
NOTE: Safety Training
- Vendors, contractors, and other entering lab areas on an occasional basis should read the University leaflet “Safety Information”
10.3.4 Land Use Planning & Design
The overall development of the University’s Onna Campus has been carried out in line with a Master Plan prepared in 2006 and approved by the Board of Governors of the OIST Promotion Corporation. No construction at the University shall be carried out without reference to this Master Plan, and all proposals for construction, whether for a new building or for modification of an existing facility (interior or exterior), must be referred in advance to the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management, who shall be responsible for determining whether they are in accordance with the Master Plan. Over time, the addition of facilities not envisaged in the original campus Master Plan can be expected. In this case, the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management shall commission additional planning and/or design work to ensure that such facilities are integrated into the overall campus in a planned and consistent way (Chapter 10.4). Such additional facilities must:
1) maintain the quality of the built environment at the University, and
2) not compromise the potential for further construction in future.
Final responsibility for determining whether the above criteria are achieved in any such proposed expansion of the facilities is vested in the Board of Governors.
10.3.5 Energy Conservation & Recycling
Sophisticated laboratory buildings inevitably use a great deal of energy to maintain precise environmental conditions within laboratory spaces and to operate certain research equipment. However, considerable effort has been made in the specification, design and construction of the University buildings to ensure that they are as energy efficient as possible. While every University user has an obligation to utilize the facilities in a responsible manner and conserve resources to the greatest extent possible, the Division of Buildings & Facility Management is primarily responsible for monitoring and managing energy, water and other resource usage throughout the campus, and shall develop and implement appropriate measures on a continuous improvement basis to achieve optimal resource conservation. Pursuant to the Article 7-2 of the “Act on the Rational Use of Energy” (Act No.49 of 1979), an Energy Management Supervisor is appointed to promote energy conservation at the University. VPBFM shall serve the position. “Energy Management Regulation” is prescribed separately for appropriate and effective implementation of the rational use of energy at the University. VPBFM The energy management supervisor establishes the “Energy Management Committee”, which investigates and discusses the energy management and energy saving at the University upon advice from the CEO/President. Details of the “Energy Management Committee” are prescribed separately.
10.3.6 Historic and Archaeological Preservation
Before construction commenced on the Onna Campus, a survey was carried out to identify historic or archaeological artifacts on the site. Reference must be made to this survey and its findings taken into account when any new construction is proposed on the campus. In the course of construction, if any such artifacts are uncovered, the construction work in the area must be suspended, and notice given to the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management, who must then take immediate action to have such artifacts examined by a competent authority, and determine the appropriate subsequent course of action(Chapter 10.4) .
10.3.7 Disaster Preparedness and Operational Continuity
The Division of Buildings & Facilities Management shall develop, implement and maintain measures and procedures to ensure that the safety of the University users can be assured in the event of foreseeable natural disasters such as typhoon, flood or earthquake, or incidents such as fire, power failure or other potentially disruptive emergency on or off campus. This role shall include ensuring that the operation and activities of the University can be preserved and continued with minimal interruption after any such event. See also Chapter 13, Safety, Health, and Environmental Protection.
This work shall include the preparation, in conjunction with other Divisions, of a ‘Emergency, Safety, Health Procedures and Guidelines’ setting out emergency contact and operational procedures in the event of an incident; ensuring that standby power systems and other resources (including stocks of emergency supplies) are available and in good condition; and organizing appropriate training of all University personnel in emergency procedures to ensure that the safety and welfare of everyone can be maintained. The University must establish clear procedures for responding to emergency situations (Chapter 13.3.16). The University must provide emergency response training to all employees and must inform visitors and guests of emergency response requirements. Building evacuation drills must be held, in accordance with the procedures and requirements of the Fire Prevention Plan, at least once during the school year. The power distribution system shall be inspected and maintained regularly, in accordance with the procedures set by the Facility Management Section. The Disaster Recovery System shall be inspected and maintained regularly, in accordance with the procedures set by the Facility Management Section.
10.3.8 Fire Prevention Planning
This plan, based on the Fire Service Act (Act No. 186 of 1948), Article 8, Paragraph 1, sets out the necessary fire prevention measures for the University facilities located in Tancha, Onna Village designed to protect against fire, earthquake or other disaster, ensure life safety and minimize damage. For details, see the University Fire Prevention and Control Plan.
10.3.9 Use of Buildings, Facilities and Grounds
If planning to use the University buildings, facilities and grounds for a purpose other than that for which they were intended, you must advise the Facility Management Section in advance. Use will not be permitted in the following circumstances:
- When it would interfere with educational or research activities or a University-related events;
- When there is the risk of damage or defacement of the facilities;
- For any political activity;
- For any activity which attacks the reputation of any individual or organization; or
- If the Facility Management Section determines that the activity would impair, impede, or conflict with the management of the University facilities.
- When the use of drones or other small aircrafts (regardless of weight) for recreational purposes threatens the safety of educational and research activities or facilities, or may cause harm to people.
The management, reservation and use of the University rooms and other spaces for teaching/lectures are the responsibility of the Dean of the Graduate School.
Reservation and use of the University rooms and spaces for other purposes is the responsibility of the Community Relations Section of the Division of Communication and Public Relations, and the related rules and procedures are set out in Chapter 21, Use of University Resources.
Policies, rules and procedures concerning use of other University resources, including Common Space, can be found in Chapter 21, Use of University Resources.
10.3.10 Use of Car Park Space Management of Parking lots:
All parking spaces on the University are controlled and maintained by the Facility Management Section of Buildings and Facilities Management Division. Any inquiry, complaint, or request regarding parking spaces should be addressed to the Facility Management Section. Parking Enforcement: All parking regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, unless otherwise stated. All parking regulations apply to anyone operating a motor vehicle on the University's property. Permits are considered self-managed accounts, and it is the sole responsibility of the permit holder to ensure compliance. Bicycles must be parked in designated spaces. Parking a bicycle inside buildings or in hallways is strictly prohibited. For further information regarding parking use on the University's property, please refer to the “Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Parking Rules and Regulations.” Liability:
Vehicle owners and operators park on campus at their own risk. The University assumes no risk or liability for damage or loss (including the vehicle’s contents) while any vehicle is parked on the University property. This includes damage incurred if the vehicle is wheel locked.
10.4 Responsibilities
10.4.1 Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management
The Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management is responsible for ensuring that these policies and rules are applied consistently and adhered to at all times. The Vice President is also responsible for explaining matters related to construction and facility management to the University Senior Level Executives and, as appropriate, to the community as a whole. The Vice President is also responsible for receiving, evaluating, communicating decisions, and implementing agreed requests for new construction, modifications to facilities and allocation of space on the campus.
10.4.2 Campus Building Section
The Campus Building Section is primarily responsible for land acquisition and new construction, and for necessary interactions with central and local government departments in connection with construction matters. This Section is also responsible for the management of non-academic spaces (including administration and Campus Village areas).
10.4.3 Facilities Operation & Use Section
The Facilities Operation & Use Section is primarily responsible for the fit-out and modification of the buildings and facilities to accommodate research equipment and to meet the operational requirements of researchers. This Section is also responsible for managing and tracking the allocation of space to researchers and preparing laboratories.
10.4.4 Facility Management Section
The Facility Management Section is primarily responsible for the overall operation and maintenance of all land and facilities utilized by the University at the Onna Campus and elsewhere. This includes responsibility for optimizing the use of energy, water and other utilities. This Section is also responsible for vehicles, safety (except the safety of research activities, which is the responsibility of the Secretary General (Chapter 13)), access management and the physical security of the campus and facilities. It shall procure and manage, among other things, janitorial, landscaping, and security services for the University’s buildings and land.
10.4.5 Budget and Contract Management Section
The Budget and Contract Management Section is primarily responsible for tenders, contracts management and facilities budget control, and payment, and for necessary interactions with and reporting to central and local government departments. This Section is also responsible for the fixed assets management of the campus and facilities.
10.4.6 Collaboration between sections
There is inevitably overlap among the responsibilities set out above, and when and as necessary, all staff of the Division of Buildings & Facilities Management shall cooperate to ensure efficient construction, operation and maintenance of the University, and to ensure that there are no gaps in the services provided.
10.4.7 Space Allocation Committee
The Space Allocation Committee (SAC) is a committee to manage and coordinate the allocation of space at the University. It has delegated authority to make and review space allocations across the University's estate. The SAC will meet at least once per month at a regular time in the month to evaluate, compare, and adjust space allocation requests to allocate space to maximize efficiency and fairness of facility use.
10.5 Procedures
10.5.1 How to Request Permanent/Semi-Permanent Allocation of Space
Complete and send the designated form to the Space Allocation Committee. Space allocation requests will then be processed by the committee taking into account space available and other requests.
NOTE: Allocation of class rooms and similar teaching spaces must be coordinated through the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School.
10.5.2 How to Request Modification of Facilities and Buildings
Initially, contact the Vice President or one of the Section Leaders of the Buildings & Facilities Management Division. They will make a preliminary evaluation of the request, and if it is considered feasible, will then request detailed information on specification, proposed timing, etc. If the proposed construction is major (if it comprises more than a renovation), the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management must bring the proposal to the Senior Level Executives for consideration. Some changes can be made internally, but others will require the involvement of external consultants and contractors.
10.5.3 How to Request New Construction
Initially, contact the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management, who will make a preliminary evaluation of the request. If it is determined to be feasible and in keeping with the overall Master Plan for the University, more detailed information (e.g., amount of space required, specification, proposed timing, etc.) will be required. New construction will often require specific budget request and allocation in a future fiscal year, so requests should be made well in advance.
10.5.4 To Obtain a Security Pass
A security card for a newly arriving employee will be requested to the Facilities Management Section by the HR Recruiting and Training Section and a newly arriving student will be requested to the Facility Management Section by the Student Affairs Section. A request for a new security card for any other party (vendor, guest, contractor, visitor, etc.) should be made to the Facility Management Section after obtaining the approval of the responsible person in the Unit or Section making the request, using the designated form. Applications should be made at least 3 days in advance.
10.5.5 To Change Access Rights on Security Pass
An application to change the access rights on a security card should be made on the designated form after receiving the approval of the supervisor of the person requesting the change, or approval from the related facility management person in charge. Applications should be made at least 3 days in advance.
10.5.6 To Allow Use of Security Pass by Outside Party
A request to lend a security pass to an outside party (e.g. a visitor or workshop participant) should be made using the designated form after receiving approval from the person in charge of the related section or unit. Applications should be made 1 week in advance
10.5.7 To Apply for Use or Duplication of a Key
Keys to rooms or equipment in the facilities will be provided when necessary. A request to use a key should be made using the designated form after receiving approval from the person in charge of the related Section or Unit. When a copy of a key is needed, a request should be issued to the Facility Management Section using the designated form. Users must not make copies of keys themselves. Applications should be made 1 week in advance.
10.5.8 When a Security Pass or Key is Lost
When you lose a security pass or key, advise the Facility Management Section immediately. Explain the circumstances to your supervisor, and after obtaining their approval, submit a notification using the designated form. Every effort must be made to locate the lost item, and in certain cases, you may be asked to submit a letter explaining the circumstances of the loss.
10.5.9 To Change the Security Setting of a Facility or Room
To change the security setting of a facility or room, obtain the approval of the person responsible for the space then submit a request to the Facility Management Section using the designated form. Applications should be made 1 week in advance. If a programming change or construction work is required, the date of the change will be set after separate consultation.
10.5.10 To Request Non-routine Cleaning Service
When cleaning other than the scheduled daily or regular cleaning is required, submit a request to the Facility Management Section using the designated form. In principle, applications should be made 1 week in advance. However, in the event of an accident during an experiment or other emergency, you can contact the Facility Management Section or Safety Control Center (Bosai Center) directly. In this case, the form should be submitted after the clean-up has taken place.
10.5.11 To Apply for Short-term Use of Carpark
When it is necessary to secure parking spaces for short-term use such as a tour of the campus, event, committee meeting or workshop, submit a request using the designated form. Applications should be made 1 week in advance.
10.5.12 To Obtain Approval to Carry out Work within the University (Construction, Installation of Equipment, etc.)
When a vendor or contractor is to perform work within the facilities, a request should be submitted using the designated form. Applications should be submitted 2 weeks in advance, and work within the facilities must be carried out in accordance with the Work Execution Plan
10.5.13 To Lodge a Claim related to Facility Condition
If you have a problem concerning the air-conditioning, cleanliness of a facility, or other general issue concerning the facilities or building services, submit a claim using the designated form. The Facility Management Section will investigate the issue and if necessary take urgent action. In any event the Facility Management Section shall respond to the claim within 1 week.
10.6 Forms
10.6.1 Space Allocation Request Form
10.6.2 New Request for Security Pass
10.6.3 Request to Change Access Rights on Security Pass
Request to Change Access Rights on Security Pass
10.6.4 Request to Allow Use of Security Pass by Outside Party
Request to Allow Use of Security Pass by Outside Party
10.6.5 Request for Use or Copying of a Key
Request for Use or Copying of a Key
10.6.6 Notification of Loss of Security Pass or Key
Notification of Loss of Security Pass or Key
10.6.7 Request to Change Security Setting of a Facility or Room
Request to Change Security Setting of a Facility or Room
10.6.8 Request for Non-routine Cleaning Service
Request for Non-routine Cleaning Service
10.6.9 Request for Short-term Use of Carpark
Request for Short-term Use of Carpark
10.6.10 Request for Approval to Carry out Work with the University
Request for Approval to Carry out Work with the University
10.7 Contacts
10.7.1 Policy Owner
Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management
10.7.2 Other Contacts
New construction: Campus Building Section (ext.18644)
Power, special gas, etc. requirements for lab facilities or equipment: Facilities Operation & Use Section (ext. 18591)
General facility, building services, fire prevention, security related matters: Facility Management Section (ext. 12315)
Tenders and contracts information, budget, fixed assets, accounting audit relating to BFM: Budget and Contract Management Section (ext. 28664)
10.8 Definitions
10.8.1 Infrastructure
For purposes of this Chapter, “infrastructure” means all site improvements, including roads, bridges, tunnels, lakes and catchment ponds, pathways and retaining walls; all vegetation and landscaping: all exterior lighting and signage; all above and below ground utilities (including electricity, water and drainage, and communications), and all buildings and structures erected on the site and all building services within those buildings.
10.8.2 Facilities
Infrastructure as defined above. All systems and equipment installed in the buildings (except items of research equipment installed by or for the specific use of researchers), vehicles and related items. [NOTE: Management and maintenance of leased equipment is dealt with in Chapter 28, Procurement; management and maintenance of IT and AV equipment is dealt with in Chapter 17, Information Technology & Security.
10.8.3 Employees
For purposes of this Chapter, the term “employees” includes those who are directly employed by the School Corporation/University as well as individuals who are under contract to perform security, cleaning, facility management, and other similar services (also referred to as “contractors”).
10.8.4 Safety Control Center (Bosai Center)
Room located in Laboratory 1 where control and monitoring of the Fire Defense Equipment, etc. is carried out.