06. University Library

Table of Contents

6.1 Policy Statement

The Library of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (“the Library”) is a key part of the University infrastructure, critical to the education and research activities of the University. The Library provides both a central library facility and an online environment for University-affiliated users to have access to a diverse range of literature, reference materials and databases. By providing access to electronic form of research, scholarship, and creative works of the University (hereafter collectively referred to as “the Works”), the Library contributes to development of education and research activities as well as promoting information disclosure and establishing accountability to the society.

6.2 General Considerations

6.2.1 The Library collection

The Library holds a collection of electronic and printed materials (the Collection) to support the teaching and research activities of the University. The Collection includes sufficient printed materials to support teaching and general reference needs on campus, and also contains a large amount of electronic material to allow users to access a wide range of sources that cannot be provided as printed material because of cost and limitations on space. In addition the electronic material is accessible to users remotely both on and off campus. Books
A limited collection of printed books is maintained in the library on campus. This includes textbooks used in courses taught at the University, important research reference books, and selected books of general interest. The main focus is on science and technology, but the Library also holds material to assist in the daily life of the University staff and students. The Library maintains a catalog and book ID system that tracks each book owned by the Library. This reduces duplication and enhances the range of books available to all users. Journals
The Library strives to allow reasonable access to the widest available range of journals to support the academic activity at the University. When new areas of interest arise, effort is made to subscribe to additional relevant journals. The Library will review annually the list of journals under subscription and make additions and deletions, taking into account the changing needs of the University community and the available budget. Print copies of the most high-demand journals are also kept on display, for up to 6 months or until space is no longer available. Older copies of these print journals are kept in storage until disposed of. eBooks
Books with a limited lifespan that are rapidly updated, are better provided as electronic books rather than printed books. These include intrinsically transient publications like manuals for specific software and programming handbooks, methods manuals, and technical guides. In addition, electronic versions of books are provided when use is infrequent where they are only available electronically. eBooks and print books are treated alike by the catalog and can be accessed from inside the University network. Databases
The Library provides access to a range of databases to support the research and educational activities of the University and the Graduate School. The Library provides training in searching and using these databases. Reserve Collection
Courses or other University activities may ask that some books, journal articles, or other materials temporarily be set aside for restricted use in a reserve collection. (ex: Course Reserve Books Closed Reserve Collection
In special cases of rare or valuable references or materials, the Library may establish closed reserve collections that require special approval from the Librarian for access.

6.2.2 The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Institutional Repository

The Library provides open access to the Works of the University personnel and/or students through the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Institutional Repository (hereinafter referred to as “OISTIR”). The details of OISTIR is defined in “Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Institutional Repository Operational Guidelines”.

6.2.3 Layout of the Library

The Library provides a range of areas and rooms for different uses. This includes desks for studying, computers to access the library catalog and electronic collection, comfortable chairs for reading, copying, and facilities for user-operated check-out of books.

6.2.4 Interlibrary Collaboration and Cooperation

The Library maintains membership in associations and consortia of university, research, and public libraries across Japan to support the activities of the Library. These agreements allow University faculty, staff and students access to a wider range of material than can be held within the University Collection. As a corollary, the University then allows other universities and consortia members access to the holdings of the University, as long as these are in agreement with the conditions imposed by publishers and suppliers of those materials to the University.

6.2.5 Copyright  Management

The Library manages the University’s obligations under the various national copyright conventions, including the copying and storage of journal articles, books, and database materials.

6.2.6 Access

The Library is a limited public access library and will provide storage for a defined range of materials pertaining to the operation of the University and for the University records of public interest, and will provide reasonable access to those materials.

6.3 Rules

6.3.1 Library Access Hours of Operation
The Library offers 24 hour access to registered users. On-site Library assistance will be provided from 9:00am to 5:30 pm from Monday to Friday except holidays and new year holidays. Registered Users of the Library
 OIST students, faculty, researchers, administrative staff, and specially approved other staff including collaborators, interns, and other guest researchers and faculty, are deemed “Registered Users of the Library” and are given borrowing and online resources access rights. OIST ID serves to identify our registered users for the Library. Unregistered Users of the Library
Unregistered users may use the University Library facilities while library staff are in attendance. As Unregistered Users of the Library, such visitors do not have the right to borrow books or journals, and access e-resources, though they may read books/journals while in the Library.

6.3.2 Rules for the Library

Consideration for the safety and security of the Library Collection, the Library facilities, and other users are the guiding principles of use. Library facilities and equipment must not be used for non-University or commercial purposes (such as running a business or buying and selling items on line).  At no time may unlicensed commercial video, film, recorded, or printed materials; other legally restricted materials; or pornography or other inappropriate material be viewed, downloaded, or distributed using Library facilities. Rules for Borrowing
Registered users are allowed to borrow up to 15 items from the library. Books can be borrowed for 30 days, and print journals and electric media for 7 days. Course instructors can check out one copy of textbooks for duration of the course. Renewals 
Registered users may request to renew borrowed library materials by email or at a Counter if another user hasn’t placed a request on their books. Paper Journal loan may not be renewed. Overdue
When a registered user has overdue books, the library will not allow the user to check out other books until the user return the overdue books to the library. Course reserve books
Library should keep at least one copy of the course reserve books per class in the current semester collection. When the library holds more than one copy of course reserve books in the current semester, any available copy in the library at that point of time is designated as course reserve books. When all available copies are checked out, a copy with the smallest call number is recalled as a course reserve book regardless of loan period. A user who is borrowing books which were assigned the course reserved books, they have to return the books upon the library’s request. The period of the course reserve is from one week before a semester starts to the last day of the semester. Upon course instructor’s requests, the library may purchase up to 50 % of the number of students registered in class. Rules for use of Behavior in the Library
Appropriate behavior is expected of all users when in the Library. Patrons whose behavior is inappropriate will be asked to desist or will be required to leave the premises. Drinking of non-alcoholic beverages is permitted, but food is not allowed in the Library. Open drink containers (cups, mugs) may not be placed on the same surface as electronic equipment (computers, copiers, etc.), or on bookshelves, at any time. Closed or spill-proof drink containers are required. Those using the Library must not make noise that disturbs others, whether by talking or from electronic or other devices. No animals or biological specimens are permitted in the Library. Laboratory coats or gloves may not be worn or brought into the Library. On-Campus Network Access to Library Facilities All Registered Users may access Library facilities from any on-campus computer with access to the University network, using their University ID and password. These are not to be shared with non-Registered Users. Materials that are licensed only for use within the University are not permitted to be removed from the University environment. Library facilities and equipment must not be used for illegal purposes (such as file sharing or downloading unauthorized content). For use of library for Unregistered Users 
Unregistered users who intend to use the library for a day or less shall fill in the Library Unregistered Users Form  at the library’s service counter and follow the instructions from library staff. A few unregistered users such as honored guests, visiting faculty, and faculty spouses may be permitted to use the library space during a 2-year period beginning from the day on which they fill out the Special Permission Request for Library Use Form and receive permission from the Library Director. Priority to use of personal computers in the library is given to registered users stipulated in, so those who wish to use a personal computer should bring their own personal computer.

6.3.3 Use of Library of Facilities from outside campus

Library facilities may be accessed by Registered Users from off-campus by VPN sign-in, or through alternative secure means that may be arranged by OIST IT staff. Registered Users are not permitted to share or distribute their passwords, ID and VPN access codes with non-registered users or others.

6.3.4 Protection of Copyright

Only limited copying of copyright material is allowed in the Library. Users may copy materials in the Library within the limits of the Copyright Act (Act No. 48 of May 6, 1970).

6.3.5 Terms of Use for E-resources

The following actions are prohibited by the Copyright Act and license agreements of providers. Systematic downloading of multiple full-text files within a short period of time manually or with auto-downloading software, etc. (Downloading of multiple reference citations, e.g. into Endnote, is acceptable.) Reproductions or redistribution of full text data. Using the full text data for purposes other than individual use.

6.3.6 Rules on Managing Books in the Library Catalogues Purpose
The purpose of these Rules is to stipulate standards and requirements relating to the acquisition and management of the materials in the Library Collection, and thereby ensure proper, efficient and good management of materials. These Rules are based on the Accounting Standard, Article 42 of the University. Definitions “Acquisition” refers to the procedure for acquiring materials for the library by selection, order, and acceptance inspection and for receiving donations or other contributions. “Management” refers to the registration, organization, storage, inspection, and disposal of unnecessary materials. Person Responsible for Collecting and Managing Library Materials
The Person responsible for acquiring and managing Library materials shall be the Library Director. Scope of Materials
The “materials” referred to in these Rules are the books (fixed assets), journals (non-assets), eBooks, databases, other software, and related materials that the Library as an organization manages and that are used for the purposes of research and education. In these Rules, books include the following:

Books that are used for the purposes of learning, education and research.
Books that are planned for use for one year or longer. Acquisition Selection of Materials
Materials shall be selected in accordance with the policy of the Library Collection. Provided, however, that when making a decision to purchase materials the budget, nature of the materials, and necessary storage requirements are taken into account Ordering
Materials shall be ordered by the Library. At the time of submitting a purchase request, a decision shall be made as to whether or not to record the materials as assets. Acceptance Inspections
Acceptance inspections of materials shall be carried out by the Library staff. Donations
Basically, the Library doesn’t accept donations of books or other materials except for special cases. The Library Director may approve to accept special donations of books or other materials that conform to the Library’s Collection policy and that are considered to be suitable as items for use with some kind of consideration. Management Registration The necessary information on the acquired materials shall be registered in the Library’s system. Books that to be recorded as fixed assets for accounting purposes must be stamped with the book stamp “OIST Graduate University Library” and registered every year in the fixed asset ledger. Books that are to be recorded as non-assets for accounting purposes must be stamped with the book stamp “OIST Graduate University Library” and registered every year in the non-assets book ledger. Organization Materials registered in the manner specified in the preceding article shall be organized according to the Library system. All other materials shall be organized appropriately by the Library staff. Storage
Once materials have been organized they shall be stored in their specified place. Provided, however, that materials that are on loan shall be stored at the responsibility of the user. If a user loses or damages books that are on loan, he or she must report this to the Library. Inspection of Books
Stock collation shall be performed on books once a year. Determination of Unnecessary Materials
Materials that fall under any of the following categories may be determined as being unnecessary materials. Materials that have become grossly soiled or damaged due to frequent and long-term use, and that are deemed to be irreparable, or whose repair cost is deemed to exceed replacement cost. Materials that are deemed to have lost their usefulness due to successive revisions, the issuance of re-editions or the obsolescence of their content, and that are deemed to not need to be stored. Materials that were acquired with the intention of short-term use, and that are deemed to have lost their value due to the passage of time and that are deemed to not to need to be stored. Materials that had a retention period set and such period has expired. Materials for which a duplicate exists other than the original document that is required to be stored. Materials that can be judged as being appropriate for utilization in other forms, e.g. books replaced with eBooks. Materials that are lost for 2 or more years. Any other materials identified as unnecessary bythe Librarian. Disposal
Materials that are determined to be unnecessary as stipulated in the preceding article shall, with the approval of the Library Director, have their registration canceled and be sold, donated or disposed of.

6.4. Responsibilities 

6.4.1 Responsibilities of Users

Users of the Library must respect the physical and electronic online environment of the Library and the rights of other users.  Users are responsible for ensuring that they correctly check borrowed material out, and that they return such material at the appropriate time.  Users will be asked to pay for the replacement or repair of material and equipment that is unreasonably damaged or rendered unusable. Users should follow designated procedures for use of electronic media and software so as not to damage or infringe on the use by others. Users should obey copyright regulations and restricted use rules.

6.4.2 Responsibilities of Library Staff

Library staff will be available to assist patrons in the use of the physical and electronic collections, and to maintain the University Collection in a suitable condition for such use. Library staff are responsible for day-to-day activities of the library such as inventory control, book and journal shelving, and ensuring security of the Collection. Library staff are responsible for ensuring that library policies for fair use are observed. Library staff provide training and assistance in the use of Library collections for users.

6.4.3 Responsibilities of the Librarian

The Librarian is responsible for the daily operation of the Library, maintenance and development of the Collection, maintenance and training in information management required to support the electronic databases and online resources of the Library, and the interaction of the Library with other libraries and institutions. The Librarian is responsible for performance of the Library staff, for managing the budget allocated to the library, and for negotiating with suppliers and agents of publishers to purchase new books and journal subscriptions.  

6.4.4 Responsibilities of the Library Director

The Library Director is responsible for overall operation and management of the Library. The Library Director will supervise library staff and evaluate performance of the Librarian. The Library Director oversees the assets of the library and operates within the approved library budget. The Library Director has authority for making decisions for library related issues and policies. The Library Director will meet with the Library Committee at least twice a year to obtain recommendations regarding operation of the Library and new purchases/deletions for the Collection.  

6.4.5 Responsibilities of the Library Committee

The Library Committee  meets at least twice a year to provide advice on the operation of the Library. This includes addition and deletion of books, journals, databases, and other materials as required by new faculty or new directions of research at the University and on the best use of the Library budget. The Library Committee reports at least once a year on Library activities to the Faculty Assembly.Details on Library Committee are stipulated separately by the Library Director.

6.5 Procedures

6.5.1 Borrowing and returning books and other library materials

Borrowing and returning books and other library materials

6.5.2 Requesting purchase of new books

Requesting purchase of new books

6.5.3 Requesting purchase of new journals and datebase

The library conducts a subscription survey for online journal requests once a year. The unit or research section can submit their request per unit/section during the survey.

6.5.4 Requesting book reservation

Requesting book reservation

6.5.5 Requesting interlibrary loan

Requesting interlibrary loan

6.5.6 Requesting photo copies of books in the Library

When users request photo copies of library materials, they need to submit the Photocopy Application Form

6.6 Forms


24-hour Library Access Request 


Photocopy Application Form 


Unregistered User Form


Special Permission Request for Library Use Form

6.7 Contacts

6.7.1 Policy Owner

The Dean of the Faculty Affairs


Specific details of Library policy and related issues may be discussed with the Librarian in person or by email at library@oist.jp .

6.8 Definitions

6.8.1 Registered User

An individual who has OIST ID and security cards.

6.8.2 Unregistered User

An individual who has no OIST ID and security cards.

6.8.3 University Librarian

The OIST employee assigned through the Office of the Dean of the Faculty Affairs to carry out the responsibilities designated in section 6.4.3.

6.8.4 Library Director

The Dean of the Faculty Affairs serves as the Library Director.

6.8.5 Library Committee

The Library Committee includes members of the OIST academic community appointed by the Dean of the Faculty Affairs.