On November 1st, 2011, The Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology Promotion Corporation (OIST PC) was dissolved upon the inauguration of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University.
Plans, reports, and other documents related to the OIST PC can be found at the links below.
Founding Principles
OIST Related Acts
Medium-Term Objective
Medium-Term Plan
Annual Plan
Information Disclosure under the Article 22 of the Act on Access to Information Held by Independent Administrative Agencies
Information on the organization of OIST PC
The purpose, the outline of the business and the relation with the Government measures of OIST PC
* Linked pages are only in Japanese.
The Compensation and Salary for the officers and staffs
Information on the business of OIST PC
Business Reports and other reports on the business of OIST PC
Rules on the method of Contract of OIST PC
Balance Sheet, Profit/Loss Statements and other Financial Reports
Information of Audits and Evaluations on the organization, the business and the Financial of OIST PC
- The Evaluation Reports based on the Article 32(1) and 34(1) of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Act No. 103 of July 16, 1999) * Linked Pages are only in Japanese.
- No relevant business in OIST PC - the information on the Article 3(1),12(1) and 12(2) of the Government Policy Evaluations Act (Act No. 86 of June 29, 2001)
- No relevant business in OIST PC - the information on the Article 4-xviii of Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Act No. 91 of 1999)
Audit Reports by Auditors of OIST PC - No finding - Audit by Certified Public Accountants or Audit Corporation
- No finding - Inspection by Board of Audit of Japan
Procedures for a request for information disclosure
Please contact the Rules and Procedures Section below for Information Disclosure Request about Information on OIST PC.
For details of the procedure, please refer to the linked page.
Rules and Procedures Section
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University School Corporation
1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun
Okinawa, Japan 904-0495
Tel.098-966-8711 Fax.098-966-2887
* Open between 9 a.m. to 17:30 p.m. (not available on Saturdays, Sundays, Public holidays and Year-end and New Year holidays)