24. Childcare Services

Table of Contents

24.1 Policy

The OIST Graduate University (hereinafter “the University”) recognizes the critical needs of the university staff, students, and visitors with children for international and high-quality pre-school and after-school/holiday education services. The University must provide exceptional child and youth services to attract and retain the best talent and enhance the well-being of the University community, both key factors in ensuring that the University mission is achieved.

The University provides the pre-school and after-school/holiday programs designed to meet such needs as much as possible by establishing and operating the OIST Child Development Center (CDC) and school aged program (SAP). The services are provided at dedicated, safe facilities on campus. While the CDC (including SAP: the same shall apply hereinafter.) is established as a part of the University, they have an independent Oversight Committee, the CDC Oversight Committee, which advises on the objectives, policy, compliance and budget to the Secretary General of the University.

The University establishes the CDC Liaison Committee to advise the University Community Services Director (UCSD) on forecasting appropriate budget to sustain CDC operations, ensuring compliance with applicable laws regulations and to develop appropriate  communication with the Parent Teacher Council.

The UCSD oversees the operation and management of the CDC with delegated authority to the CDC Director on day-to-day operation, with the support by the CDC Management Committee.The services must be offered based on fair and transparent rules set forth by the CDC Director, upon consultation with the Liaison Committee. The University’s equal opportunity and diversity policy must be applied in developing and implementing such rules.

24.2 Rules

24.2.1 Governing Rules

In addition to what is provided for in this chapter, aims and objectives of the CDC are governed by the Bylaws of the CDC and other policies and rules are maintained by the CDC Director, based on the advice made by Liaison Committee. For the matters not provided for by such rules, the general university policies and rules apply.

24.2.2 Budget and Accounting The CDC Director must request annual budget for operation of the CDC to the Vice President for Financial Management (VPFM) through the UCSD every fiscal year in accordance with the general budget request procedures. When making a budget request, a proposal of fee structure and estimated annual revenue must also be submitted. Funds to be allocated to CDC might consist of several different source of funding including the fee from parents and the Subsidy for Operations allocated by OIST. The CDC Director, with support by the Management Committee, is responsible for confirming the constraints of use of each source of funding and reflecting it to the business plan and implementation. The CDC Director is also responsible for consulting with and reporting to the UCSD about budget request and execution. As a budgetary unit, the CDC Director is responsible for management and implementation of the allocated budget for the CDC through the UCSD. Budget and accounting of the operational expenses of the CDC must be dealt with separately from other operational expenses of the University except for the expenses for which such separation is not practical (i.e. routine facility maintenance, utility and security expenses etc.).

24.2.3 User Eligibility Staff and students. Any University staff, including temporary staff dispatched from an agency under an hourly-fee contract (excluding contractor or vendor employees), personnel affiliated with the Office of Technology Development and Innovation (TDIC) and students are eligible to enroll their children in the CDC. Priority is given to faculty and  may be given to other specific groups based on the policy and rules adopted by the CDC Director, based on the advice made by the CDC Liaison Committee. Visitors. Visiting faculty, lecturers, students, participants in events held on campus and other guests may be given access to the CDC programs for their children. Priority is given to the University staff and students or specific visitor categories based on the policy and rules adopted by the CDC Director, based on the advice made by Liaison Committee. Others. In addition to those specified in preceding paragraphs, staff of contractors (vivarium, cleaning, café, etc.), volunteers, and others working on campus may be given access to the CDC programs.

24.3 Responsibilities

24.3.1 CDC Oversight Committee

The Oversight Committee oversees CDC; advises on the policies and the operation of the CDC to Secretary General and establishes the Search Committee for CDC Director and recommend appointment to the President.
Please refer to the Terms of Reference of the Oversight Committee for its responsibilities and membership.

24.3.2 CDC Liaison Committee

The Liaison Committee supports Secretary General and the UCSD based upon the advice of the Oversight Committee.
Please refer to the Terms of Reference of the Liaison Committee for its responsibilities and membership.

24.3.3 Secretary General

The Secretary General of the University is responsible for ensuring the sustainable provision of high-quality and international pre-school and after-school/holiday programs. The Secretary General ensures compliance with Japanese laws, regulations and safety standards. The Secretary General receives periodical reports from the UCSD and forward to the President and Board of Governors of the OIST School Corporation. The Secretary General approves annual business and budget plans of the CDC.

24.3.4 University Community Services Director (UCSD)

The UCSD is responsible for the operation and management of CDC, under the direction of the Secretary General. 
The UCSD is the line manager of the CDC Director, with delegated authority to the Director for the day-to-day operations and management of the programs. The UCSD is a member of the Liaison Committee and acts as the Executive Secretary of the Liaison Committee.

24.3.5 Management Committee

The Management Committee assists the CDC Director in the day-to-day operation and management of the CDC. The Management Committee consists of the CDC Director, the CDC Assistant Director, the Head of Administration and the  SAP Assistant Director.
The CDC Director is responsible for the daily operations of the CDC. The CDC Assistant Director is primarily responsible for the classroom operations and CDC Head of Administration is primarily responsible for internal administrative functions of the CDC. The SAP Assistant Director is responsible for the daily operations of the after-school/holiday programs.

24.3.6 Parent/Teacher Council

The Parent/Teacher Council advises the CDC Director on matters affecting the operation of the CDC and provides a forum for discussions between Parents and Teachers on issues affecting the CDC. The Parent/Teacher Council may address or report to the Liaison Committee with the agreement of the Chair of the Liaison Committee.
Please refer to the Terms of Reference of Parent/Teacher Council for its responsibilities and membership.

24.3.7 Users of the CDC

Users of the CDC are responsible for supporting the CDC operations by following CDC rules and ad-hoc request issued by the CDC Director from time to time, by sending their feedback through the Parents/Teacher Council and by participating in CDC events. CDC users must bear the cost of services based on the fee structure.

24.4 Procedures

24.4.1 CDC Enrollment

Submit required documents to CDC.

24.4.2 SAP Enrollment

Submit required documents to SAP.

24.4.3 Complaints Procedures

If a parent has a concern about CDC matters, the following process should be followed to resolve the situation:

Initial Complaint: 

  1. The issue should be discussed with the Classroom Staff and if not resolved or involves a complaint against the Classroom Staff, with the Team leader. 
  2. If the Team Leader is unable to resolve the issue, to the parent’s satisfaction, the Team Leader will report the incident and parent concern to the CDC Management Committee.  
  3. If the parent remains unsatisfied with the situation, the CDC Management Committee will report the incident and all steps that have been taken to resolve the matter to the UCSD for final arbitration. If the complaint is related to an incident involving the CDC Head of Administration and/or the CDC Assistant Director, the parent should discuss the matter directly with the CDC Director. If an incident involves either the CDC Director or the SAP Assistant Director, or there is a likely conflict of interest, the complaint should be made to the UCSD. The UCSD will review the full incident report, all steps taken to resolve the matter and meet with the parents to develop a plan to resolve the situation in a manner that aligns with standard protocols, processes and ensures the parent concerns are addressed appropriately.

A parent who is unsatisfied with the decision of the UCSD is permitted to appeal the decision to the Chair of the CDC Liaison Committee, the OIST Secretary General. The Secretary General will review the matter thoroughly and meet with both the parents and UCSD to determine an appropriate resolution to address the parent’s concern. The Secretary General will consult with the Office of the General Counsel and the HR Division to review the situation prior to finalizing their decision. 

24.5 Contacts

24.5.1 Policy Owner


24.5.2 Other Contacts

CDC Director