32. Work Schedules and Breaks

Table of Contents

32.1 Policy

The OIST Graduate University (the University) establishes the regular work schedule, breaks, and holidays. To accomplish the business objectives of the University, all employees are expected to be punctual and dependable in their attendance.

32.2 General Considerations

The University recognizes the importance of balancing work and family life, and supports employees by granting special accommodation of work schedule as appropriate, including flexible work schedules as well as exemption from (and restrictions on) overtime and late-night work, in keeping with relevant laws and regulations.

  • Time for Childcare (
  • Shortened Working Hours for Childcare and Nursing Care (
  • Working Hours for Pregnant and Nursing Employees (
  • Limitations on Unscheduled Work for Childcare (
  • Limitations on Overtime Work for Childcare and Family Care (
  • Limitations on Late-Night Work for Childcare and Family Care (

32.3 Rules

32.3.1 Work Schedules and Rest Period Working Hours, Rest Period and Scheduled starting and finishing times
Details are described in Article 21, Rules of Employment and Article 20, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees. Time for Childcare
Details are described in Article 42, Rules of Employment and Article 36, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees. Shortened Working Hours for Childcare and Family Care
Details are described in Article 48 and Article 56, Rules of Employment and Article 42 and 50, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees. Flextime System
Details are described in Article 29, Rules of Employment. Variable Working Hour System
Details are described in Article 30 and 31, Rules of Employment.

32.3.2 Holidays

Details are described in Articles 22, 23 and 24, Rules of Employment and Article 21 and 22, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.

32.3.3 Overtime and Holiday Work

Details are described in Article 26, Rules of Employment and Article 24, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees. Working Hours for Pregnant and Nursing Employees
Details are described in Article 41, the Rules of Employment and Article 35, the Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees. Limitations on Unscheduled Work for Childcare and Nursing Care
Details are described in Article 49 and 57, Rules of Employment and Article 43 and 51, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees. Limitations on Overtime Work for Childcare and Nursing Care
Details are described in Article 50 and 58, Rules of Employment and Article 44 and 52, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees. Limitations on Late-Night Work for Childcare and Nursing Care
Details are described in Article 51 and 59, Rules of Employment and Article 45 and 53, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.

32.3.4 Reporting for Work, Absence and Punctuality

Details are described in Article 25, Rules of Employment and Article 23, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.

32.3.5 Business Trips and Working Outside the Workplace

Details are described in Article 32, Rules of Employment and Article 26, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.

32.3.6 External Professional Activities

Details are described in PRP Chapter 22 and in the Rules for External Professional Activities.

32.4 Responsibilities

32.4.1 Employees

All employees must report information regarding attendance, absence, lateness, leaving early, and business trips to their immediate supervisor on the System as necessary.

32.4.2 Supervisors

Supervisors must be well aware of the attendance status of their subordinates and must give them necessary guidance and instruction.

32.4.3 The Human Resource Management Section

When special accommodation of work schedule is requested, the Human Resource Management Section must respond to the applicant’s requests promptly after ascertaining their eligibility.

32.4.4 The Employee and Labor Relations Section

The Employee and Labor Relations Section is responsible for monitoring implementation of the special work schedule accommodations specified in this Chapter and for ensuring that applicants and recipients of such accommodation do not experience discrimination or harassment.

32.5 Procedures

32.6 Forms

See HR website.

32.7 Contacts

32.7.1 Policy Owner

Vice President for Human Resource (VPHR)

32.7.2 Other Contacts

HR Management Section
Employee and Labor Relations Section

32.8 Definitions

32.8.1 Holidays

Holidays are the days when employees have no work obligations.

32.8.2 Child

(Japanese laws and regulations shall be applied.)

Natural child
Legally adopted child

32.8.3 Condition Requiring Care and the Applicable Family Member

Details are described in Article 52.1, Rules of Employment and Article 46.1, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.