2.6 CEO/President’s Delegation of Authority

As authorized by the Board of Governors, the President/CEO may delegate executive management and administrative authority to the University's Senior Level Executives. The CEO/President's delegations of authority authorize the Senior Level Executives to act on behalf of the Corporation/University in the name of the CEO/President and to bind the Corporation/University within the scope of the delegated authority to a legally enforceable obligation. The CEO/President may condition, limit, or revoke any authorities so delegated at any time. Authority reserved by the CEO/President may not be exercised by any other person.

Delegation of authority does not permit those so privileged to violate spending or signature thresholds established by the CEO/President for fiscal and administrative control.

2.6.1 Sub-Delegations of the CEO/President's Authority

Senior Executives who have authorities delegated to them by the CEO/President may, but need not, sub-delegate authorities to employees who report to them and so on throughout the organization. The Senior Executives are ultimately responsible and accountable for the proper sub-delegation of the CEO/President's authorities throughout their units, in accordance with this policy. For purposes of this Chapter, the person who delegates authority to others is a “Delegating Official” and the person who receives a delegation of authority is a “Delegate.”

2.6.2 Responsibilities of Delegates Delegates may further delegate any delegated authority if it is not expressly disallowed or limited in any way. However, unless further delegation is required, delegates may reserve to themselves any authority delegated to them. Delgates below the level of Vice President must obtain approval from the Delegating Official in order to sub-delegate any authority delegated to them. Delegates may not delegate greater responsibility and decision-making authority than they have been delegated, and may not delegate authority to anyone who has an individual or institutional conflict of interest related to that authority, as defined by University policy. Employees with delegated authority must act only within the scope of that delegation. Employees who act outside the scope of their authority and do not have documented authority to do so may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Delegates remain responsible and accountable at all times for the exercise of any authority they choose to sub-delegate to others.

2.6.3 Requirements for Delegation Delegated authority must be granted and exercised consistent with the terms and conditions of the original delegation and with all applicable laws and University policies. Delegating Officials must delegate authority only to persons who are current University employees, who have some level of responsibility for the activity being conducted, who are knowledgeable about University policies, rules, laws, regulations and procedures, and over whom the Delegating Official has management authority. All delegations become null and void upon the last date of employment. Delegating Officials must provide copies of their delegations of authority (new or revised) to the Secretary General and to the General Counsel. For annual budget authority, a delegation of authority is deemed complete once the budget is allocated on the ERP system. Any other delegation of authority must be made in writing. Delegating Officials must retain documentation of all of their delegations, and review those delegations at least annually, via the performance evaluation process, to ensure they are up-to-date and appropriate.  This documentation must be made available upon request.

2.6.4 Ambiguities involving Delegations of Authority

In the event that there is an ambiguity or an inconsistency involving delegation assignments, the CEO/President or his/her delegate will determine who has the ultimate authority.

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