17.3.27 Web presence Domain name management
IT Division manages the oist.jp domain on behalf of the Communications and Public Relations division.

Research unit websites shall be located within the unit.oist.jp domain or other subdomain and under the control of IT Division. This rule is in place to allow clear differentiation between the core university web presence and that of the research units or projects. Internet domain name per purpose
Research projects which require a URL which lies entirely outside of the OIST domain, shall request IT Division to register the external domain name and to create the virtual machine to house the site. This request shall be approved by the CIO, and the Dean of Faculty Affairs.These domains shall normally be restricted to .org or .net (non-profit) extensions, other domains shall require consultation with and approval by the CIO. All units are required to keep their OIST unit (groups) site up to date, the creation of any websites for the promotion of the unit itself outside of this space is discouraged.

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