Yuimaru Kubo


Yuimaru Kubo is head of the Hybrid Quantum Device Team, which runs research projects and workshops focused on hardware physics and engineering on microwave quantum technology devices based on spins in gem crystals. Research topics include the following:

  • Quantum transducer with spins in diamond
  • Ultra-low noise microwave amplification by means of maser

Yuimaru (Yui) Kubo completed his undergraduate study at the University of Tsukuba in March 2004.  His senior thesis project was on crystal growth of a high-temperature cuprate superconductor (bismuth compound, Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8) in the group of Prof. Kazuo Kadowaki.  He studied vortex dynamics in stacks of micron-size intrinsic Josephson junctions of BSCCO for his master thesis.  

For his Ph.D. dissertation project, Yui moved to National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), also located in Tsukuba, and joined the group of Dr. Yoshihiko Takano.  He worked on macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) experiments in high-Tc Josephson junctions, and observed MQT and phase diffusion in La2-xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) intrinsic Josephson junction devices for the first time.  Yui completed his Ph.D. dissertation in March 2009.

Upon completing his Ph.D. and a short stay in the group of Prof. Youiti Ootuka at Tsukuba Research Center for Interdisciplinary Materials Science (TIMS) at the University, Yui moved to France and joined Quantronics Group at CEA-Saclay as a postdoctoral scholar in June 2009.  At Saclay, he worked on hybrid quantum devices consisting of superconducting circuits and impurity spins in diamond and silicon. 

After spending a long time (six and a half years!) in France, he finally returned to the island where his mother was born and joined the Quantum Dynamics Unit at the very end of 2015.  Since May 2021, he is an independent PI and forming a group, the Hybrid Quantum Device Team, in the Science and Technology Group at OIST. He is pursuing a couple of projects on hybrid quantum devices based on spins in solids (gem crystals).

Yui was highlighted in the Impact publication!

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Yuimaru Kubo smiling in red OIST shirt
Yuimaru Kubo
Head of the Hybrid Quantum Device Team
Science and Technology Associate