Layering pattern of neurons in the retina

The eye works by focusing light on the back of the eye, which contains light-sensitive cells called photoreceptors. This activates electric signals, which are transmitted through the layers of neurons. The inner plexiform layer is where three types of neurons connect, including retinal ganglion cells. Long projections of these cells, called axons, form the optic nerve, which connects to the visual centers of the brain.
The eye works by focusing light on the back of the eye, which contains light-sensitive cells called photoreceptors. This activates electric signals, which are transmitted through the layers of neurons. The inner plexiform layer is where three types of neurons connect, including retinal ganglion cells. Long projections of these cells, called axons, form the optic nerve, which connects to the visual centers of the brain. This image was published in the press release, "Staying alive: Scientists eye up gene required for the survival of an important retinal neuron".
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