Mr. Tetsu Nakajima
Mr. Tetsu Nakajima defines Deep Tech as the technology that is based on deep scientific research, requires great amount of time and investments, will be repurposed by the market, and becomes a big gamechanger. Nakajima maps out Japan’s Deep Tech success enablers, and emphasizes the importance of collaboration among startups, established companies and academia, and attracting foreign investment to nurture Deep Tech in Japan. Nakajima recognizes the significance of the global network and collaborative ties OIST has developed, and he shows the intention to follow suit. (Director of Japan Deep Tech General Association and the Chief Investment Officer of Mistletoe Inc.)
Mr. Tetsu Nakajima defines Deep Tech as the technology that is based on deep scientific research, requires great amount of time and investments, will be repurposed by the market, and becomes a big gamechanger. Nakajima maps out Japan’s Deep Tech success enablers, and emphasizes the importance of collaboration among startups, established companies and academia, and attracting foreign investment to nurture Deep Tech in Japan. Nakajima recognizes the significance of the global network and collaborative ties OIST has developed, and he shows the intention to follow suit. (Director of Japan Deep Tech General Association and the Chief Investment Officer of Mistletoe Inc.)
Copyright OIST (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, 沖縄科学技術大学院大学). Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).