José M.M. Senovilla, University of the Basque Country, 2024-12-17
"Singularity theorems in gravitation"
Kentaroh Yoshida, Saitama University, 2024-08-02
"Chaotic Instability in the BFSS matrix model"
Peter Koroteev, UC Berkeley, 2024-08-01
"Opers - What they are and What they are good for"
Paul Luis Roehl, DAMPT (Cambridge University), 2024-07-22
"The Giant Graviton Expansion"
Ritankar Chatterjee, IIT Kanpur, 2024-07-16
"Tensionless Strings in a Kalb-Ramond Background"
Igor Klebanov, Princeton University, 2024-07-05
"1+1 Dimensional Gauge Theory: Lattice vs. Continuum"
Heng-Yu Chen, National Taiwan University, 2024-06-18
"Exploring complex saddles and geometries through holography"
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Adi Armoni, University of Swansea, 2024-04-10
"'t Hooft model as a String Theory"
Igor Bandos, University of Basque Country, 2024-04-03
"On amplitudes and superamplitudes of 10D SYM and 11D Supergravity"
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Daniel Hutchings, University of Western Australia, 2024-01-25
"Spin-(s,j) projectors and gauge-invariant spin-s actions in maximally symmetric backgrounds"
Keith Glennon, King's College London, 2024-01-23
"An overview of the E11 program"
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Priyadarshini Pandit, IIT Kanpur, 2023-12-19
"Tensionless strings and Compactification"
Slava Didenko, Lebedev Physical Institute, 2023-10-17
"Locality, unconstrained vertices and hidden symmetry of HS theory"
Dmitri Sokorin, INFN Padua, 2023-10-11
"Aspects of maximally symmetric non-linear (ModMax) electrodynamics"
Per Sundell, Andres Bello Natl. U., 2013-10-04 and 2023-10-18
"Higher Spin Gravity"
Daniel Grumiller, Vienna University of Technology, 2023-08-23
"Carroll black holes"
Subhajit Mazumdar, Seoul National University, 2023-08-09
"Kite and Triangle diagrams through Symmtries of Feynman Integrals"
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Ichiro Oda, University of the Ryukyus, 2023-05-17
"BRST formalism of Weyl conformal gravity in Weyl geometry"
Hisayoshi Muraki, IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, 2023-04-18
"BMS algebra from Virasoro algebras"
Marco Michel, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 2023-04-11
"Quantum Informational Analogue Models of Black Holes: What Happens After Half Evaporation?"
Max Riegler, University of Vienna, 2023-02-15
"BMS Field Theories with u(1) Symmetry"
K. Sravan Kumar, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2022-05-11
"Probing quantum gravity and non-locality through R**2-like inflation"
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Andrea Campoleoni, University of Mons, 2021-11-25
"Carrollian and Galilean higher-spin algebras in any dimensions"
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Thomas van Riet, KU Leuven, 2021-11-17
"The Festina Lente bound (and some applications)"
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Jelle Hartong, University of Edinburgh, 2021-10-20
"Carroll Symmetry and Cosmology"
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Karapet Mkrtchyan, Imperial College, 2021-10-13
"Duality-symmetric formulation of electrodynamics and (chiral) p-form generalizations"
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Augusto Sagnotti, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2021-10-06
"On broken supersymmetry in string theory"
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Eliot Hijano, Princeton University, 2021-09-01
"Flat space physics from AdS/CFT"
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Kentaroh Yoshida, Kyoto University, 2021-08-25
"Yang-Baxter sigma models from 4D Chern-Simons theory"
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Luca Buoninfante, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2021-05-18
"Towards a ghost-free theory of quantum gravity"
Andrei Marshakov, Center for Advances Studies, Skoltech; Dept. Math. HSE; ITEP; LPI; 2021-04-26
"Cluster integrable systems and supersymmetric gauge theories"
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M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari, IPM, Tehran, 2021-04-12
"Symmetries at null boundaries"
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Hiroshi Itoyama, NITEP, Osaka City University, 2021-04-05
"Enhanced gauge symmetry and suppressed cosmological constant in heterotic interpolating models"
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Angelos Fotopoulos, Northeastern University, 2021-01-18
"Celestial CFT and extended superBMS algenra"
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Sergei Kuzenko and Michael Ponds, University of Western Australia, 2020-07-29
"Conformal higher-spin gauge models in curved backgrounds"
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Alon E. Faraggi, University of Liverpool, 2020-06-01
"Novel perspectives in string phenomenology"
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Dmitri Sorokin, University of Padua, 2020-05-25
"How SYM domain walls look like"
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Evgeny Skvortsov, Albert Einstein Institute, 2020-05-11
"(Quantum) higher spin gravity and some applications to physics"
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Luca Buoninfante, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2020-03-09
"Aspects of ghost-free nonlocal field theories"
Steven Carlip, UC Davis, 2020-02-20
"Spacetime foam and the cosmological constant"
Sourav Ballav, Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Chennai, 2020-01-24
"Surface operators in N=2 SQCD and Seiberg Duality"
Arnab Priya Saha, Harish-Shandra Research Institute, 2020-01-23
"Classical soft theorem in four dimension"
Aritra Banerjee, APCTP, 2019-12-16
"Tensionless Strings from worldsheet perspective"
Bidisha Chakrabarty, ICTS-TIFR, 2019-12-10
"Out of time ordered effective dynamics of a quartic oscillator"
Eoin O Colgain, APCTP, 2019-12-02
"Making string theory great again"
Maurice van Putten, Sejong University, 2019-07-11
"A dynamical Lambda proposal to alleviate the H0 tension"
Maurice van Putten, Sejong University, 2019-07-09
"Multi-messenger Extended Emission from the compact remnant in GW170817"
Gabriel Wong, Fudan University, 2019-07-04
"Entanglement Branes, Modular Flow, and Extended TQFT"
Sugumi Kanno, Osaka University, 2019-05-29
"Quantum entanglement between bubble universes"
Andreas Albrecht, UC Davis, 2019-05-27
"Decoherence and einselection in equilibrium in an adapted Caldeira Leggett model"
Pawel Caputa, YITP, 2019-05-16
"Circuit Complexity in Conformal Field Theories"
Kevin Croker, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2019-04-10
"The GEODE mass function and its astrophysical implications"
Mirian Tsulaia, Ilia State University, 2019-04-09
"Higher Spin Supermultiplets in Various Dimensions"
Masazumi Honda, University of Cambridge, 2019-03-08
"Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula"
Shuichi Yokoyama, Kyoto University, 2019-02-21
"Holographic geometries for non-relativistic systems emerging from generalized flow equations"
Soumangsu Chakraborty, Hebrew University, 2019-02-20
"JTbar deformed CFT2 and string theory"
Shuichi Yokoyama, Kyoto University, 2018-12-04
"Flow equation, conformal symmetry and AdS geometries"
Yutaro Shoji, Nagoya University, 2018-10-02
"Vacuum decay rate in the standard model and beyond"
Vincenzo Vitagliano, Keio University, 2018-08-28
"Topological defects, deformed lattices and spontaneous symmetry breaking"
Scott Melville, Imperial College London, 2018-08-14
"Constraining Quantum Gravity from the Bottom-up"
Sven Bjarke Gudnason, Keio University, 2018-07-31
"Solitons, Gravity, Gravitating Solitons and Holography"
Kirill Krasnov, University of Nottingham, 2018-06-19
"Gravity and differential forms"
Ryota Kojima, KEK, 2018-06-05
"New triangulation of the Amplituhedron from sign flip"
Suddhasatwa Brahma, APCTP, 2018-06-01
"Black holes in loop quantum gravity: Emergence of non-singular quantum space-time"
Marios Christodoulou, South University of Science and Technology, 2018-05-29
"Bouncing black holes: A realistic model?"
Antony Speranza, University of Maryland, 2018-05-15
"Edge modes and entanglement in diffeomorphism-invariant theories"
Heng-Yu Chen, NTU, 2018-04-10
"Aspects of Spinning Witten Diagrams"
Tadashi Takayanagi, YITP, 2018-03-27
"Entanglement Purification and Holography"
Dionysios Anninos, University of Amsterdam, 2018-03-23
"Higher spin de Sitter holography"
Satoshi Okano, Nihon University, 2018-02-27
"Twistor formulation of particles with spin"
Aidan Chatwin-Davies, Caltech, 2018-02-20
"Q-Screens and Tensor Networks: Two Cosmic No-Hair Theorems"
Falk Hassler, UNC at Chapel Hill & University of Pennsylvania, 2018-01-09
"Double Field Theory"
Shao-Jiang Wang, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2018-01-04
"Gravitational waves from cosmological first-order phase transitions: bubble nucleation, bubble expansion and bubble percolation"
Junggi Yoon, TIFR, 2017-12-22
"Supersymmetric SYK model with global symmetry"
Lucas Fabian Hackl, Penn State University, 2017-12-12
"Entanglement and Chaos: Linear entropy production at instabilities"
Justin C. Feng, University of Texas, 2017-11-24
"Temporal Insights from the End of Space"
Dimitrios Giataganas, NCTS, 2017-10-04
"Analytic Non-Integrability and Chaos in Gauge/Gravity duality"
Henry Stoltenberg, UC Davis, 2017-05-30
"No Information Problem for Black Holes Entangled with Large External Systems"
Ivan Arraut, Tokyo University of Science, 2017-05-16
"The Quantum Yang Baxter relations and the dispersion relation of the Nambu-Goldstone bosons"
Norbert Bodendorfer, LMU, 2017-04-13
"Holographic signatures of resolved cosmological singularities"
Matthew J. Lake, Institute for Fundamental Study, Naresuan University, 2017-04-10
"Karolyhazy-type relations for a dark energy Universe"