Research Update Mushrooms with “massively expanded” genomes make them more adaptable Certain Mycena strains living in the Arctic have some of the largest mushroom genomes ever described.
Research Update ‘Jumping genes’ help plants adapt to extreme temperature and pathogens A cutting edge technique, called Direct RNA sequencing, shows that ‘jumping genes’ could be the key to help plants become more resilient.
Research Update Scientists reveal genetic secrets of stress-tolerant mangrove trees Mangrove trees use changes in gene activity, including the activity of parasitic ‘jumping genes’, to increase their resilience to stress, a new study finds.
Research Update Plants and bacteria: Investigating symbiotic relationships in the wild Carnivorous and aquatic plants provide great models for answering questions about the natural world, says new OIST ecologist Prof. David Armitage.
Research Update Breaking the silence: scientists investigate epigenetic impact across whole genome Study exposes silenced sites within ‘jumping genes’ that could one day drive development of environmentally-resistant crops.