Faculty and Research Units

OIST research units take a cross-disciplinary approach to research, and the PhD program encourages students to explore the intersections of disparate fields of science and technology. Find the research unit of your interest below.

Faculty and Research Units

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  Research Unit

Machine Learning and Data Science Unit

In the machine learning and data science (MLDS) unit, we focus on developing fundamental machine learning algorithms and solving important scientific problems using machine learning. We are currently interested in statistical modeling for high-dimensional data including kernel and deep learning models and geometric machine learning algorithms, including graph neural networks (GNN) and optimal transport problems. In addition to developing ML models, we focus on developing new machine learning methods to automatically find a new scientific discoveries from data.
Makoto Yamada

Makoto Yamada

Associate Professor

Blue strings spreding like a tree

Model-Based Evolutionary Genomics Unit

The Model-Based Evolutionary Genomics Unit works at the crossroads of computational and evolutionary biology. Our long-term goal is to achieve an integrative understanding of the evolution of Life on Earth and the origins and emergence of complexity across different biological scales, from individual proteins to ecosystems. To move towards this goal, we develop and apply model-driven evolutionary genomics methods to reconstruct the Tree of Life and the major evolutionary transitions that have occurred along its branches.
Gergely János Szöllősi profile photo

Gergely János Szöllősi

Associate Professor

Annual Reports
A yearly report from each research unit