The Akita COI-NEXT Center will host a symposium on November 30

Yasunobu Tanaka, Deputy Project Leader of the OIST COI-NEXT Center, will join as a panelist at the symposium hosted by Akita COI-NEXT Center, “Souzou no Mori Daikaigi 2024”(ソウゾウの森大会議 2024) on November 30.
Akita COI-NEXT Center is led by three universities in Akita Prefecture, Akita Prefectural University, Akita International University, and Akita University of Art. Through research on the utilization of Akita's forest resources and human resource development through industry-academia-government collaboration, they are creating the Center for realizing “self-sustaining affluence” in local communities.
Conference Name: Souzou no Mori Daikaigi 2024 (ソウゾウの森大会議 2024)
Date and Time: Saturday, November 30th, 2024, 13:00-18:00 (Reception starts at 12:15)
Venue: NIGIWAI KORYU-KAN AU 2F Exhibition Hall
Address: 1-4-1 Nakadori, Akita, Japan
Please refer to the below link for the details.
「ソウゾウの森大会議 2024」を開催します | 秋田 COI-NEXT ソウゾウの森プロジェクト