Daisuke Kan
Daisuke Kan is the president of Cheerio Corporation CO. LTD, a well-known Japanese beverage company specializing in carbonated and energy drinks. Founded in 1961. Cheerio has a successful track record in refashioning and branding products to anticipate tastes and trends.
In 2020 Kan took the reins of the company started by his grandfather Sadato Kan and further advanced by his father Haruki Kan when he became president in 1981. He currently serves as a Board Member of the Japan Soft Drink Association to strategically coordinate the industry’s sustainable development.
As an emerging corporate leader Kan is exceptional in his dedication to the virtues of entrepreneurship and committed to promoting its concepts and methods to Japan. He is a widely known proponent of corporate engagement in broad societal issues, especially encouraging the implementation of the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Kan’s current activities, both personal and as leader of his corporation, reflect his demonstrable dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Notably he serves on the Board of Councilors of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) where he is Chair of the Sustainable Development of Okinawa (Business) Committee. He is also a Senior Advisor to SKY Labo, an organization that promotes equity in STEAM education for junior and senior high school girls. He recently joined Hitotsubashi University Business School, School of international Corporate Strategy as Advisor for the Dean. Kan has been an active supporter of LGBTQ rights and recognition and Cheerio has been the top sponsor of Tokyo Rainbow Pride since 2014.
Kan joined the United States-Japan Foundation’s leadership program, USJLP, in 2014. He currently serves a Co-Chair of the Program’s Fellowship Advisory Council. Since joining, he has been exceptionally active, initiating projects, enlisting other USJLP Fellows in a range of outreach activities, and being a key advisor on Program governance. Kan is also a fellow at Asia Society’s Asia 21 Young Leadership Program since 2011 and currently serves as Board Member of the Asia Society Japan Center.
Kan received his BA in American Studies from the University of Tokyo (2005) and an MBA from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business (2007). He currently serves as president of the GSB Alumni Association Japan Chapter.