Classical Electrodynamics

Course Aim

Covers the theory and application of classical electrodynamics and special relativity, and provides a firm grounding for later studies of quantum physics.

Course Description

Learn the theory and application of classical electrodynamics and special relativity, covering the essential equations and their applications, and build a firm grounding for later studies of quantum physics. Through lectures and exercises, an understanding of static electromagnetic fields is extended through Maxwell’s equations to a discussion of dynamic vector fields and electromagnetic waves. Numerous physical and technical applications of these equations are used to illustrate the concepts, including dielectrics and conductors, wave guides, and microwave engineering. Special relativity is introduced with discussion of relativistic and non-relativistic motion and radiation, using linear accelerators and synchrotron radiation as illustrative applications. Demonstrate understanding and application of these concepts in mid-term and final exams.

Course Contents

1. Charge and Gauss's Law
2. Current and Ampere's Law
3. Divergence and Rotation
4. Induction
5. Capacitance and Inductance
6. Maxwell's Equation 1
7. Maxwell's Equation 2
8. Vector and Scalar Potentials
9. Electromagnetic Waves
10. Energy, Dispersion
11. Impedance Concept
12. Reflection and Matching Condition
13. Relativistic Equation of Motion
14. Radiation from a Moving Charge
15. Synchrotron Radiation


Midterm tests, 2 x 30%; Final written test, 40%.

Prerequisites or Prior Knowledge

Undergraduate mechanics and a firm grasp of calculus and vector mathematics


Electrodynamics of Continuous Media, 2 edn, by Landau, Pitaevskii, Lifshitz (1984)

Reference Books

Electricity and Magnetism (Berkeley Physics Course, Vol.2) 2 edn by Edward M. Purcell (1986)

Waves (Berkeley Physics Course, Vol.3) 2 edn by Frank S. Crawford (1968) Butterworth-Heinemann

The Classical Theory of Fields, 4 edn, by DL Landau (1980) Butterworth-Heinemann

Classical Electrodynamics, 3 edn, by JD Jackson (1998) Wiley

Research Specialties