Quantum Engineering – Simulation and Design

Course Aim

This course explores the topic of integrated quantum devices. Such devices bring together different types of quantum systems which provide new functionality not possible within an individual quantum system.

Course Description

Develop skills in the computational modelling of quantum machines and integrated quantum devices used for fundamental quantum mechanics studies, quantum sensing, quantum communication and quantum computing.  Use  “engineering” style skills to design and model – theoretically and computationally – various composite quantum devices: integrated photonic with atomic, condensed matter and motional atomic systems including cavity quantum electrodynamics, cavity optomechanics, Nitrogen vacancy defects in diamond, and levitated quantum systems.  Learn and use computational techniques to simulate the properties of integrated quantum devices using python, with a final computational project. Discuss the latest literature in journal club style.

Course Contents

• Week 1: Introduction to quantum optics and the QuTip computational Python package, pure quantum states, two level states visualized on the Bloch sphere, harmonic oscillator states visualized using Wigner functions
• Week 2: Dynamics of quantum systems: Time evolution of nonlinear quantum oscillators, dynamics of spins and simulation of the Stern Gerlach experiment
• Week 3: More advanced quantum optical systems: Introduction to cavity QED, derivation and simulation of the Jaynes Cummings/Rabi system, Photon Blockade, Collapse and revivals.
• Week 4: Study of open quantum systems including decoherence:
Study of the Lindblad master equation for a Qubit system
• Week 5: Application study: Two-level atomic Landau-Zener transitions and cavity-QED Photon-number Quantum Non-Demolition experiment
• Week 6: Introduction to optomechanical quantum systems: intro to optical cavities, derivation of Langevin equations and linearized Hamiltonian for optomechanical systems.
• Week 6: Cooling to the quantum ground state: review of optomechanical cooling, experimental results and theory/simulations.
• Week 7: More advanced analysis of optomechanics: coupled moment dynamics, study of the generation of entanglement between two spins in a mechanical system.
• Week 8: Review of magneto-mechanical systems. Final Project selections/ Journal Club Starts
• Week 9: Introduction to quantum sensing/parameter estimation. Journal Club and Project work.
• Week 10: Invited short seminar : Journal Club and Project Work.
• Week 11: Invited short seminar : Journal Club and Project Work.
• Week 12: Preparation of Posters reporting on Project Work.
• Week 13: Poster session on Project Work, involving all students and Zoom invited guests and other OIST faculty


[30%] One mid-course take home computational assignment (individual work) [30%] Final project assignment (group work) [20%] Presentation at a journal club [20%] Attendance at each weekly computational lab.

Prerequisites or Prior Knowledge

Undergraduate quantum mechanics (full year), especially quantum matrix mechanics for spin, Schrodinger equation (stationary and time dependent), and the operator treatment of the quantum harmonic oscillator.


Introductory Quantum Optics https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Christopher-Gerry/dp/052152735X
Quantum Optics: An Introduction https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0198566735/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_AW0YM4GHBF3…
Qutip: A quantum physics toolbox for Python. http://qutip.org