日本テレビ「1億人の大質問!?笑ってコラえて!」でOISTの学生が取材されました 3度目となる笑ってこらえて!OIST特集。関根麻里さんと桝太一さんが、OISTの学生4名の「Good for Planet」に関する研究を密着しました。 TVerで無料でご視聴いただけます。 https://tver.jp/episodes/epz1ehr090 Date: 05 June 2024 Category: TV Media Source: 日本テレビ Share on: Related Media Coverage In the Media Jellyfish Metamorphosis research featured in Japanese online media A research on jellyfish metamorphosis by Dr. Konstantin Khalturin in Prof. Satoh's Marine Genomics Unit was higlighted by several Japanese websites recently. In the Media Masai Unit Research on Overseas Media! The following overseas media outlets have covered research from the Masai unit: Phys.org In the Media World’s Largest Neural Network Simulation The world's largest neural network simulation project, involving Prof. Kenji Doya and Dr. Jun Igarashi in the OIST Neural Computation Unit, has been picked up by several overseas media recently. In the Media Image of the Day The science news website Live Science featured a photo from Prof. Nic Chormaic’s unit research in its Image of the Day on November 6, a gallery of amazing photos from around the world. In the Media Build-A-Nanoparticle Article in Overseas Media Anna Ikarashi's most recent OIST Web article, Build-A-Nanoparticle, about a research paper by Prof.
In the Media Jellyfish Metamorphosis research featured in Japanese online media A research on jellyfish metamorphosis by Dr. Konstantin Khalturin in Prof. Satoh's Marine Genomics Unit was higlighted by several Japanese websites recently.
In the Media Masai Unit Research on Overseas Media! The following overseas media outlets have covered research from the Masai unit: Phys.org
In the Media World’s Largest Neural Network Simulation The world's largest neural network simulation project, involving Prof. Kenji Doya and Dr. Jun Igarashi in the OIST Neural Computation Unit, has been picked up by several overseas media recently.
In the Media Image of the Day The science news website Live Science featured a photo from Prof. Nic Chormaic’s unit research in its Image of the Day on November 6, a gallery of amazing photos from around the world.
In the Media Build-A-Nanoparticle Article in Overseas Media Anna Ikarashi's most recent OIST Web article, Build-A-Nanoparticle, about a research paper by Prof.