Equipment (-) Analytical instruments Electronics fabrication Fieldwork General Laboratory Equipment Imaging Mechanical fabrication Nanofabrication Scientific computing Sequencing Vivarium Facet Equipment Category Group Flow cytometry Magnetic properties measurement Mass spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Optical spectroscopy Physical properties measurement (-) Sample preparation Thermal analysis X-ray diffractometry X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Facet Equipment Category External Use?YesConsultationNo - Any -Animal ResourcesBasic Lab SupportEngineeringEnvironmental Science and InformaticsInstrumental AnalysisMarine ScienceScientific Computing and Data AnalysisScientific ImagingSequencing Clear filters Dionex ICS-5000+ Maker: Thermo Model: Dionex ICS-5000+ High-speed, high-resolution ion chromatograph. External Use: Yes | User Operated GloveBox Maker: Unico Model: UN-1000L The Unico glovebox is used to handle sensitive or moisture-free materials under a neutral environment. External Use: Consultation | User/Staff Operated
Dionex ICS-5000+ Maker: Thermo Model: Dionex ICS-5000+ High-speed, high-resolution ion chromatograph. External Use: Yes | User Operated
GloveBox Maker: Unico Model: UN-1000L The Unico glovebox is used to handle sensitive or moisture-free materials under a neutral environment. External Use: Consultation | User/Staff Operated