When cultivating mozuku, germling ‘seeds’ are grown in flasks, and transferred to nets in tanks after budding. The nets are then moved to the ocean where the mozuku grows into mature, edible seaweed. The yield of mozuku changes yearly, due to cultivation

When cultivating mozuku, germling ‘seeds’ are grown in flasks, and transferred to nets in tanks after budding. The nets are then moved to the ocean where the mozuku grows into mature, edible seaweed. The yield of mozuku changes yearly, due to cultivation difficulties.

When cultivating mozuku, germling ‘seeds’ are grown in flasks, and transferred to nets in tanks after budding. The nets are then moved to the ocean where the mozuku grows into mature, edible seaweed. The yield of mozuku changes yearly, due to cultivation difficulties.

When cultivating mozuku, germling ‘seeds’ are grown in flasks, and transferred to nets in tanks after budding. The nets are then moved to the ocean where the mozuku grows into mature, edible seaweed. The yield of mozuku changes yearly, due to cultivation difficulties.

09 June 2022
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