This schematic shows how the MBE-CQEC scheme works for three qubits. Qubits in a quantum computer (left) are continuously measured by an estimator (right), which is run by a classical computer. The estimator detects errors by making syndrome measurements

This schematic shows how the MBE-CQEC scheme works for three qubits. Qubits in a quantum computer (left) are continuously measured by an estimator (right), which is run by a classical computer.  The estimator detects errors by making syndrome measurements, then corrects them with appropriate feedback.

This schematic shows how the MBE-CQEC scheme works for three qubits. Qubits in a quantum computer (left) are continuously measured by an estimator (right), which is run by a classical computer.  The estimator detects errors by making syndrome measurements, then corrects them with appropriate feedback.

This schematic shows how the MBE-CQEC scheme works for three qubits. Qubits in a quantum computer (left) are continuously measured by an estimator (right), which is run by a classical computer.  The estimator detects errors by making syndrome measurements, then corrects them with appropriate feedback.

15 September 2022
Sangkha Borah, OIST
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