qsu FY2021 Annual Report 08

qsu FY2021 Annual Report 08

Figure: (a) TG gas density ρ(x) (red lines) and BEC depletion |ψ|2−μ0/gc (blue lines) for N=7 TG atoms and increasing interaction strengths gm. The dotted lines indicate the maxima of the TG density in the noninteracting case gm=0. (b) Spectrum of the TG gas E′n=En−gmμ/gc for gm=0 (superfluid phase, black dots) and gm=2 (pinned phase, blue dots). (c) Size of the energy gap as a function of gm. The black dashed line shows an analytical approximation. 

Self-Pinning Transition of a Tonks-Girardeau Gas in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Tim Keller, Thomás Fogarty, and Thomas Busch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 053401 (2022). Editors' Suggestion

11 March 2024
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