qsu FY2021 Annual Report 07

qsu FY2021 Annual Report 07

Figure: Phenomenological condition for simulating the inverted oscillator with the Dicke model. (a) Effective double-well potential (black solid line) overlaid on an inverted oscillator potential (red dashed line). The black circles indicate the critical position up to which both models agree. (b) The critical position can be translated to a condition on the number of photons which can be related to a critical time for which the Dicke model can be used as a simulator. This time is indicated by the black circle.

Inverted harmonic oscillator dynamics of the nonequilibrium phase transition in the Dicke model
Karol Gietka and Thomas Busch
Phys. Rev. E 104, 034132 (2021)

11 March 2024
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