qsu FY2021 Annual Report 03

qsu FY2021 Annual Report 03

Figure: Schematic of the magnetometer. The atoms are strongly confined along the axis of an optical cavity and driven by two off-resonant transverse lasers with Rabi frequencies Ωj inducing internal atomic transitions |gj〉 ↔|ej〉. These transitions are also strongly coupled to two distinct standing-wave cavity modes aj with coupling strength Gj. The atoms can experience a Zeeman shift due to a static magnetic field B|| and/or a time-dependent magnetic field B cos(ωt), with the latter inducing transitions |g1〉 ↔ |g2〉.

Cavity-enhanced magnetometer with a spinor Bose–Einstein condensate
K. Gietka, F. Mivehvar, and Th. Busch
New J. Phys. 23 043020 (2021)

11 March 2024
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