qsu FY2019 Annual Report 10

qsu FY2019 Annual Report 10

Figure:   (a) Dots: QSL time as a function of particle number for a trap-quench. The yellow line uses an approximate expression in the large particle limit. Stars: QSL time for an impurity quench. Inset: Survival probability vs. time for 10 particles (red lines) and 100 particles (black lines) for a trap quench (solid lines) and an impurity quench (dotted lines). (b) Minimum time to reach a very low survival probability of 10-2 for the trap quench (dots) with the approximation given in the paper (yellow line), and minimum time to reach a survival probability of 0.25 for the impurity quench (stars).

Orthogonality Catastrophe as a Consequence of the Quantum Speed Limit
T. Fogarty, S. Deffner, Th. Busch, and S. Campbell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 110601 (2020).

07 March 2024
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