qsu FY2019 Annual Report 08

qsu FY2019 Annual Report 08

Figure: Population of each pseudo-spin state of the ground state for (a) weak interactions and (b) strong interactions. The insets show the population of the symmetric state (red line) and the anyti-symmetric state (pink dotted line) using the left axis and the interaction energy (black dashed line) using the right axis. (c) Population differenceof the ground state as a function of spin-orbit coupling stength and intercomponent interaction strength. Only positive values, where the anti-aligned states dominate, are shown.

Spin-orbit coupling in the presence of strong atomic correlations
A. Usui, T. Fogarty, S. Campbell, S.A. Gardiner, and Th. Busch
New J. Phys. 22, 013050 (2020).

07 March 2024
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