qsu FY2019 Annual Report 03

qsu FY2019 Annual Report 03

Figure Histograms of the positions of each vortex in the x-y plane, tracked over an evolution time of 20 s in the corotating frame. The vortex in the lower left has been annihilated by phase imprinting and reimprinted with (a) the same and (b) the opposite direction of rotation, exactly on the vortex core.  (a) For four vortices with the same circulation direction, regular trajectories at constant radius appear, while in panel (b), disordered vortex trajectories can be seen.

Chaotic few-body vortex dynamics in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
T. Zhang, J. Schloss, A. Thomasen, L.J. O'Riordan, Th. Busch, and A. White
Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 054701 (2019).

07 March 2024
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