qsu FY2019 Annual Report 02

qsu FY2019 Annual Report 02

Figure: Evolution of the contrast upon increasing the interaction between a single impurity and the background for (a) a weakly interacting background and (b) a more strongly interacting background consisting of 100 particles. (c) same as (b) but for a background gas of 10 particles. (d) Excitation spectrum of the system indicating the emergent polaronic peaks.

Quench Dynamics and Orthogonality Catastrophe of Bose Polarons
S. I. Mistakidis, G. C. Katsimiga, G. M. Koutentakis, Th. Busch, and P. Schmelcher
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 183001 (2019).

07 March 2024
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