qsu FY2018 Annual Report 09

qsu FY2018 Annual Report 09

Figure: (a) Density of the initial state, which is the uncorrelated non-interacting two-particle groundstate. (b) Time dependence of the interaction parameter as given by the STA for a process time of tf = 10 (solid line) and tf = 1 (dash-dotted line), and by a reference function (dotted line), for a final interaction of gf = 20. (c) Density of the desired final state at gf = 20.

Fast control of interactions in an ultracold two atom system: Managing correlations and irreversibility,
T. Fogarty, L. Ruks, J. Li, and Th. Busch
SciPost Phys. 6, 021 (2019).

07 March 2024
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