mgu FY2015 Annual Report 3.1.2 fig2

mgu FY2015 Annual Report 3.1.2 fig2

Figure 2. Deuterostomic development of the brachiopod, L. anatina, and its close relationship to molluscs. (a) Adult (shell length ~4–5 cm). (bi) Embryogenesis: egg (b), embryos at 4-cell (c), 16-cell (d), 32-cell (e) and 128-cell stages (f), blastula (g), late gastrula (h) and 2-pair cirri larva (i). Scale bar, 50 μm. bp, blastopore; cr, cirri; ct, chaeta; gt, gut; ml, mantle lobe; mo, mouth; pd, pedicle; sh, shell; st, stone. (j) Phylogenetic position of Lingula among lophotrochozoans (orange box; molluscs are blue; annelids are green). The tree was constructed using the maximum likelihood method with 150 one-to-one orthologues (46,845 amino-acid positions) with LG+Γ4 model. Circles at all nodes indicate 100% bootstrap support.

15 March 2024
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