mbu FY2015 Annual Report 3.2 Figure 2

mbu FY2015 Annual Report 3.2 Figure 2

Figure 2: Mitochondrial DNA sequence types are genetically well differentiated. (A) Most multilocus lineages (MLLs) were correctly assigned by Bayesian clustering analysis when the number of clusters was set to 5. These clusters corresponded closely to the three G. fascicularis types. The X-axis shows the probability of MLL membership in each cluster. Using STRUCTURE with the number of groups set to five (K = 5), three MLLs in mt-L and two MLLs in mt-S showed a reversed genetic cluster (see black triangles). (B) Finer genetic differentiation was detected in each type among regions using InStruct instead of STRUCTURE, which is sensitive to high inbreeding coefficients. Using microsatellite markers, STRUCTURE classified five MLLs differently than their mitochondrial DNA sequence types. These MLLs were excluded from analyses with InStruct.

07 March 2024
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