mbu FY2015 Annual Report 3.1 Figure 3

mbu FY2015 Annual Report 3.1 Figure 3

Figure 3: Vent fields within back-arc basins could be well connected, whereas basin-to-basin transport shows dispersal barriers and directionality. (A) Potential larval dispersal from western Pacific vent fields quantified from the biophysical model (lines and numbers). Dispersal depth is assumed to be 1,000 m. PLD is set to 83 d. White ovals show 11 geographically separated regions defined in this study. Line colors show the direction of connections (see the circular diagram in the figure). For an explanation of the numbers, refer to the Fig. 2 legend. Close-up views of the (B) Okinawa Trough, (C) Manus Basin, and (D) Lau Basin suggest that back-arc basins should form well-mixed pools without directionality. (E) The gap between North Fiji and Woodlark could be bridged with above-average PLD (∼twice the mean). When there were multiple vent fields within a 30-km radius, only one of them was randomly selected so as to avoid graphical complications. See Movie S1 for dispersal patterns from all selected vent fields.

07 March 2024
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