mbnu FY2018 3.4.1

mbnu FY2018 3.4.1

Figure 8. a) Sketch describing the stages of biofilm formation on the sensor chip. 1) LSPR naked substrate; 2) Early bacterial adhesion and formation of a conditioning layer on the sensor occurring in the first 2 hours and 3) biofilm maturation. b) Real-time monitoring of bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation. Resonance wavelength versus time for the control (LB), E. coli, and E. coli growing in the presence of various antibiotics and antibiotic mixture (kanamycin: 100 μg/mL, ampicillin: 100 μg/mL, rifapentine: 1 μg/mL). The stability of the sensing platform is evaluated by measuring the resonance peak of the LSPR biochip for 24 h when exposed to air (purple triangles). c) Magnification of the sensor response trends for the first 5 h.

13 March 2024
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