SDG 持続可能なより良い未来に向けて 持続可能な開発目標(SDGs) Latest News SDG Digest #1 The OIST SDG Digest is your new go-to resource for all the latest sustainable development initiatives and advancements happening here at OIST and around us. What is OIST’s SDG Initiative? OIST's SDG Initiative is a university-wide commitment to sustainability with an aim to engage with and achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We raise awareness, partner with OIST researchers, staff and students, and cultivate collaboration with external stakeholders, all to promote a sustainable future. Prof. Yabing Qi Selected as National Nominee for Inaugural Frontier Planet Prize Congratulations to Prof. Yabing Qi for his outstanding scientific contributions in the field of renewable energy, which have been recognized by the inaugural Frontier Planet Prize. Read More The OIST Way 持続可能なより良い未来に向けて 国連持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)は、私たちが今日直面している最も重要な世界的課題に取り組むものです。OIST もまた、これらの課題に取り組むために設立されました。OIST は、最先端の科学的知識を探究する、ダイナミックで国際的かつ多文化的な大学院大学として、誰一人取り残さない持続可能なより良い未来に向けて努力するという理念の下で行動しています。これこそが OIST Way です。 OIST が SDGS を支持する理由 プロジェクトのハイライト ミツバチの手を借りて沖縄のサンゴ礁を保全「ハニーコーラルプロジェクト」 SDG 15 SDG 17 沖縄の外来アリ防除 SDG 17 リソースセンターによる食料支援 SDG 1 SDG 2 恩納村×OISTこどもかがく教室 SDG 4 プロジェクト一覧 ご支援 OIST の SDG への取り組みを支援する OIST の SDG への取り組みを支援する 一覧 参加申込み・お問合せ 参加申込み・お問合せ 一覧
SDG Digest #1 The OIST SDG Digest is your new go-to resource for all the latest sustainable development initiatives and advancements happening here at OIST and around us.
What is OIST’s SDG Initiative? OIST's SDG Initiative is a university-wide commitment to sustainability with an aim to engage with and achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We raise awareness, partner with OIST researchers, staff and students, and cultivate collaboration with external stakeholders, all to promote a sustainable future.
Prof. Yabing Qi Selected as National Nominee for Inaugural Frontier Planet Prize Congratulations to Prof. Yabing Qi for his outstanding scientific contributions in the field of renewable energy, which have been recognized by the inaugural Frontier Planet Prize.