Mangrove trees at the oceanside and riverside

(Left) Mangrove trees growing near the ocean experience high levels of salinity and are small in stature. (Right) Mangrove trees growing upriver have less saline, and more brackish conditions and grow taller, with thicker trunks and larger leaves. These trees were surveyed by Dr. Matin Miryeganeh (pictured) and her colleagues.

(Left) Mangrove trees growing near the ocean experience high levels of salinity and are small in stature. (Right) Mangrove trees growing upriver have less saline, brackish conditions and grow taller, with thicker trunks and larger leaves. These trees were surveyed by Dr. Matin Miryeganeh (pictured) and her colleagues, as part of a new study featured in the press release, “Scientists reveal genetic secrets of stress-tolerant mangrove trees.

15 October 2021
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